Jacked from
brittheshit TEN Things You Did
(001.) Saw Dave Matthews Band
(002.) Worked at a summer camp
(003.) Talked to Matt and gave him my number (go me!)
(004.) Saw BSB again
(005.) Studied Math for the SAT
(006.) Saw James Taylor
(007.) Went to Summerslam and had the best frickin' seats ever.
(008.) Got a KitchenAid Mixer for my birthday.
(009.) Redid my room
(010.) Stood in line for Harry Potter
NINE Favorite Songs of the Summer
(001.) Flake by Jack Johnson
(002.) My Beautiful Woman by Backstreet Boys
(003.) The Stone by Dave Matthews Band.
(004.) On and On by Jack Johnson
(005.) Time of Your Life by Greenday (because of Matt :P)
(006.) Since U Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson
(007.) No Other Way by Jack Johnson
(008.) Busted Stuff by Dave Matthews Band
EIGHT Places You Ate At
(001.) TGIFridays
(002.) Applebee's
(003.) Uno's
(004.) Macaroni Grill
(005.) Cheesecake Factory
(006.) McDonald's
(007.) Starbucks
(008.) Any number of concert arenas
SEVEN Things that Annoyed You
(001.) Math
(002.) Dad
(003.) Being car-less
(004.) The first few days of camp
(005.) Lack of boyfriend.
(006.)The raising price of gas
(007.) Fighting over the computer.
SIX Things You Bought
(001.) Tickets
(002.) 3 Jack Johnson CDs
(003.) Eyeshadow
(004.) Enough clothes and shoes to make my Mom cry, lol.
(005.) Jewelry of all kinds
(006.) Apple pie
FIVE Things You Accomplished
(001.) Algebra 1 and 2
(002.) Gave Matt my number.
(003.) Made perfect fondue
(004.) Worked at camp and didn't hate it completely
(005.) Learned how to put eyeliner on bottom of my eye. :P
FOUR Movies You Saw
(001.) Star Wars: RotS
(002.) Kung Fu Hustle
(003.) The First Daughter (it was eh)
(004.) Nearly all of the Tracy/Hepburn movies
THREE Things You Wish You Did
(001.) Gone to the Beach
(002.) Kissed Matt (Still have a chance with that one though... ) This is funny because everyday at the end of work while we're playing games in aftercare, he always says that I'm spacing when I'm watching his game, but really I'm spacing on him and how much I'd like to kiss him :P
(003.) Just talked to my friends more.
TWO Rules You Broke
(001.) Swore in front of the kids.
(002.) Flirting with Matt (not a broken rule, just a bend one. And notice how much Matt is coming up right now?
ONE Thing You LOVED About This Summer
(001.) That there wasn't any bad this summer, it was just ... good. And Matt :P