Cult of Personality

Jun 05, 2009 13:24

RENT folks: I swear I will figure stuff out soon regarding money. Either that, or I'm much, much poorer soon.

Palm Pre - whatever. New iphone announcement (if not release) on Monday. (speaking of which, anyone have a way into that WWDC keynote? I'd love to actually attend one)
There have been a lot of reviews of the good and the bad of the PP. It has it's advantages over the iphone (hardware keyboard), and disadvantages (app store). So here's the dealbreaker on me not even considering it as a device (go ahead and try to excuse this one Ray):
The iphone runs on a (superior) GSM network (ATT, Tmob). On GSM, you can use the phone, data, and SMS at the same time. I can be surfing the web*, and still get a phonecall. In mid-phonecall, I can bring up Maps/Email/Safari as needed.
*this is a bigger deal considering how much I Tether - a hacked app to use the phone's 3G internet connection from my laptop. It works great.
The PP is on a CDMA network (Sprint, VZW). It only allows one form of communication - this is a network limitation, there's nothing Palm can do about it. If online, you cannot make/recieve a phonecall or text. This includes backgrounded apps like AIM, unless they're using AIM through a cloud server (which is slower, and is what Apple said they were going to do, yet never actually did). Technically (though really rare) you could even miss a phonecall because you were sending/recieving a text at the same time. Surely every iphone owner has gotten a text durring a phonecall (or while online, or using an online app)? Not possible on Sprint.
I'm sure I'll buy the new iphone after it's hacked, which should be pretty quickly after it's release, which will leave me with yet another really expensive ipod Touch.

Today: leaving work, climbing in Sunnyvale, Art Show in PA, then FNW. Hopefully I can fit dinner in there somewhere.
Sat: Brunch, hopefully housecleaning, Peers.
Sun: Helping a friend move in SJ, more climbing.

Lawrence Lessig recent keynote on Change. I love this guy.

Slim got this great shot of Kathy and me at Maker: Why Live Dangerously?

As if you even need to ask.
Kathy's expression = priceless.
Here is a better shot of Kathy's corset curves peeking around, but the book is even smaller. The blue band on my hat was my (unseen from pic) Maker pass. Working for Neverwas was a blast. Playing "how many friends can you spot at Maker" was also fun!
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