MILD SPOILERS if you haven't seen the first two movies.
I gotta admit that when I first decided to do a picspam about Back to the Future, I wanted to do it on the "Johnny B. Goode Scene" 'cause I think it's the most classic scene of the whole movie - trilogy. This scene also appears in the second movie from a totally different perspective so I thought it'd be fun to put these two scenes together. I really love how they replay the events of the first movie in the second one.
“Yeah man, that was good. Let's do another one!”
“Uh, well, I gotta go. ”
“C'mon man, let's do something that really cooks.”
“Something that really cooks.”
Marty thinks - then comes up with the perfect piece!
Meanwhile, 3-D spots 1955 Marty on the stage about to play Johnny B Goode, mistaking him for his '85 counterpart.
“Look. How'd he get up on stage?”
“I dunno, but when he gets down we're gonna nail him.”
“How the hell'd he change his clothes so fast?”
“All right...”
'85 Marty sees Biff's gang goes up to the side of the stage.
They're there waiting for '55 Marty to finish the song before they nail him.
“...all right this is an oldie, but uh... well, it's an oldie where I come from.”
“All right guys, it's a blues riff in B, watch me for the changes, and uh, try and keep up, OK?”
Marty starts to play the famous intro from this song.
The dancers and the band seem to like it, so Marty starts to sing.
Way down in Louisiana down in New Orleans
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens
There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood
Where lived a country boy name of Johnny B Goode.
He never ever learned to read or write so well
But he could play the guitar just like he's ringing a bell.
At the same time, '85 Marty gets out his walkie-talkie.
“Doc! Doc, come in!”
“Marty, come in!”
“Listen Doc, Biff's guys chased me into the gym and they're gonna jump... me!”
“Then get out of there!”
“No Doc, not me, the other me, the one's that's up on stage playing Johnny B Goode!”
“Great Scott! Your other self will miss the lightning bolt at the clocktower, you won't get back to the future and we'll have a major paradox!”
“Wait, wait, a paradox? You mean one of those things that could destroy the universe?”
“Precisely! Marty, you have to stop those guys at all costs but without being seen by your other self - or your parents!”
'85 Marty watches the stage while his parents are dancing behind him.
Go Go
Go Johnny Go Go
Go Johnny Go Go Go[...]
“Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going!”
“George, you ever think of running for class president?”
[...] Go Johnny Go Go
Go Johnny Go Go Go
Johnny B Goode
'85 Marty hums along for a few moments then sees Biff's gang again. They are on the side platform, with weapons, waiting for '55 Marty to finish so they can beat him up.
Go Go
Go Johnny Go Go
Go Johnny Go Go Go [...]
Go Johnny Go Go
Go Johnny Go Go Go [...]
'85 Marty spots sandbags above Biff's gang, suddenly getting an idea.
Johnny B Goode
'85 Marty climbs the ladder to get upstairs, unseen by Marvin who heads to the edge of the stage, where there is a telephone.
“Chuck, Chuck, its' Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Berry!
You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!”
'85 Marty climbs the rigging above the stage and slowly crawls across it. We see a view of '55 Marty playing his guitar solo with '85 Marty, almost hidden, climbing along the top. He is unseen.
Marty is still playing his solo. The members of the band look confused, obviously not used to the music.
'85 Marty is now above Biff's gang.
'55 Marty goes a bit overboard, mimicking a few moves of some famous guitar players.
Meanwhile, '85 Marty tries to untie the rope holding up the sandbags.
“Come on...”
When '55 Marty finishes playing some rock music, his counterpart finally manages to untie the rope, and the sandbags fall on Biff's gang.
They fall unconscious.
By the time he plays his last tune, the dance is silent, looking at him. Strickland is covering his ears.
Marty looks at the crowd and smiles awkwardly.
'85 Marty climbs down.
“I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet.”
“But your kids are gonna love it.”
Match, a member of Biff's gang, nearly regains consciousness but '85 Marty makes sure to let the sandbags fall on them again and leaves the stage, accomplished.
Leaving the stage, '55 Marty is bewildered to find Biff's gang under the sandbags.
The END.
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Screencaps by
elfmoogle and by me.
Some of the script lines are from the
Hill Valley Telegraph.
original picture of the newspaper is from
88 Miles à l'heure.
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- Please, do not use these edited screencaps for graphics.
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- Comments are highly appreciated.
- Enjoy =)