I cleaned out my closet today. I actually feel rather accomplished. I wish I could get rid of more stuff, but generally I feel a pull to keep one thing or the other because I might wear it later...and actually, I probably won't.
I did find one shirt that's been in my closet forever, or for a few months at least, and I pull it out periodically to look at it and act like I'm going to wear it...but it's like a dark pink, and I don't wear that colour generally. Plus, I tend to feel like really it just will make me look pregnant. It still has the tags on it and I have the receipt, should I just take it back? Although, here's my problem, the receipt "expired" in October (it's from Target), so can I still take it back and just get store credit?? Where are you
milady_vilya ?? lol I keep thinking I'm going to wear it and then I chicken out, or whatever.
How's that for random? This is the junk I'm going to be bothering you all with now.