Where the heck do I begin????????
- Master = Brilliant Song & Dance Man?
- Martha, you are made of AWESOME!
- Awww...cutie pediatric doctor!
- Weird little big-eyed Doctor...? O_o
- DOCTOR. DOCTOR. Everyone says it, even Lucy says it!!
- The Jones family is great.
- "I forgive you." *egads*
- CAPTAIN JACK!!! We love your little immortality thing, fantastic!
- Speaking of Captain Jack....FACE OF BOE.
O_O (leikohmygoshwheretehheckdidthatcomefrom?thatismadeofcompleetAWESOME!!!)
- The Doctor CRYING over the MASTER!!! And the Master WILL NOT REGENERATE!!!! HOLY CRAP. I seriously was ready to cry over that scene, srsly. I wish people wouldn't go all slashy over this scene, because there are no over or undertones to it. The Doctor is holding The Master and crying because the Master is all he has of his world. It's so sad! He finally finds out he's not alone and ... GAH!!! (And what a mind warp, eh?? When you finally learn that the Doctor learns that he's not alone because CAPTAIN JACK told him he wasn't alone, but he was the Face of Boe!?!?!?! *iz ded*)
- ohmygosh, Lucy just picked up the Master's ring!! Was it a plot? Did she shoot him because it was part of a plan the Master hatched?? Just wondering....
- Martha, girl!?!?! Why do you have to leave the Doctor, why can't you be happy to not be in love with him??? Although, she made some valid points. Still, she was pretty cool. I hear she'll be back a little, so yay!
- The Titanic!! Crashing through the TARDIS!?!
Look at my lovely little icon my sis made especially for me!! LOL
*brain implodes*