Jan 16, 2005 21:16
hey, i made it. one week until break officially allows itself gutted, one week and one day before classes resume/begin. it's 2005 and we all made it through yet another plausable nuclear holocaust via space invaders. a toast!
what does 2005 bring? the equally official end to the star wars sixtillogy. that's right, boyos, yet another year of frettful line waiting and SWOOMB SWOOMB lightsaber swinging. The others - "trekkies" - scoff. They know nothing. nihilists love them. ha ha! "if you take zee E out of ennui you hazt nossingggg"
the last two films blew. that's right, i'll admit it finally. blew like a dyslexic kid at a spelling bee. all the same, they are wonderful and lucas forgive me. i am sure this final chapter, the chapter where obi-wan schwops anakin skywalker into bitties and knocks him into a lava pit, the chapter where the twins are born, vader emerges, mace my character is bullshit windu dies.... etc.. it's all here. this is what we've been built up for.. for years now. i look forward to seeing how father george L. handles this exciting commencement of the middle of the series.
on the soft underbelly, this is also the year of my 22nd birthday. 22! double negative! you know what that means.
more presents. write it down.
what of the others? yaer kinder? 2005 will be the year andrew, under the watchful eye of petre sourian, will make up for his continued Q exam ribbing. the vorpal blade went snicker-snack..
jon will grow his beard flush and long for me (finallly) as well as write something super cool (odds point to yes yes yes)
crickety will graduate and slunk off to the west coast to join a swab of surfing bears.... she will be greatly missed. when the bears eat her.
mischa will wear his new glasses, but only for a couple weeks.
rose will seduce 345829438574384 strangers on the T.
micah will.. whatever happened to micah?
gilli will get a labcoat
ben will moderate and break someone's legs for stealing his portfolio (i say it was that nice guy with the silver case. he's just so nice)
diya will find a shawl she's been looking for less than 3 minutes after the car is outside and we'll all cheer
vivian will return!!!
jesse hawkeye will remember where he is
john clark will re-unite the beach boys
gabe will fall in love with 6 elderly korean prostitutes
ruth will get a labcoat
dale will start his sci-fi novella
david will have an art show
paul will start dealing cabbages (you know, for kids!)
andi will (hopefully stick around and) become a racecar driver
episode III will come and never, ever, ever go.
lotsa love, one of the guys