productivity CAN start before 5pm!

Sep 27, 2005 16:53

here is a snipping from Jill Twiss' blog. I dig it.

"Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Some fancy designers fired Kate Moss from their ad campaigns because she uses cocaine. This story says so.
Kate Moss is a model, in case you were wondering. She's famous to those people who happen to know who models are. Also famous to thin people everywhere who, after looking at her, think they're fat and must subsist on only rhubarb and muscle relaxers.
I find this entire incident terribly shocking and I just want to say that I'm glad that the world has decided to take a STAND on something like this.
Because here in America, we would NEVER allow cocaine users to sell us clothes.
In America we know that drug use is wrong and would not want to give the wrong impression to our children by allowing cocaine users to appear in ads.
No, in America when someone admits to being a cocaine user....
Well, we elect them President.
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