where can i find some free porn and illegal music to download

Oct 09, 2004 20:00

Things have been pretty good lately. I'm working only one job now, but I need to find another one. I'm concidering going back to school, and I need to save up some cash. I've been sorta looking for a new venue but the pickings are slim in this area. I'm gonna keep looking though, I'd like to start doing shows again, it seems like Rockland could use it. I just got Optimum Online. I still have to e-mail all my friends with my new e-mail address and save my contacts so I can finnally delete AOL forever. It's about damn time I joined the rest of the world and got highspeed internet. I'm gonna have to find some good internet porn sites now.

I'm looking forward to next weekend. B-Man, Weasil, Erica, myself and possibly others will be hitting up a bunch of haunted houses in the area all weekend. On top of that it's my nephew's first birthday party on Sat so that should be a good time with some good free food. Team America World Police comes out next Friday. It's by the guys who made Southpark, and it looks pretty damn funny. I'm hoping to catch it Sat night after going to the haunted house. B-Man asked me if I wanna go see Shaun of the Dead one day this week. I think he said Wednesday night, so that should be a good time, that movie looks pretty funny.

I picked up my acoustic the other day and started playing some of my old songs. I even went to an acoustic open mic last week. I was a little rusty, but I had a good time. I think I'm gonna start playing regularly again. I miss it. I would love to play in a band again but the last few auditions I went on sucked. The bands were pretty bad, sub par in my opinion. I'm kinda feeling like getting back into playing punk. We'll see what happens. Finding reliable people is almost impossible, especially around here. Going solo with the acoustic thing might be the way to go. Maybe I should play to backing drum and bass tracks or something. I'll figure it out.

So all's good. Life's been very good to me lately, and I'm pretty happy about it.
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