My last update was September 11th, 2006.
In the past 5ish months a few things have changed/happened. Let’s be traditional and split them up in several categories: Work, Bed, Christmas, School, Money, Love, and Future.
Last update I was complaining that I would like to go back to school. I was envious of everyone. Well I found a compromise between working and being at school full time. I found a job on campus. No not Pivik. I’m now the secretary for Immersion Studies and Professorial Language Services.
How is this different then my last job? Glad you asked. Besides the increase in salary I actually get to work with people and in an office with other people. I also get to work in French which is awesome; I want to improve my written and spoken French. It’s also a better atmosphere.
So here’s what happened, I was sick (big surprise) when I got my interview here and when I told my old boss (Dragan, for those who forgot) that I was moving jobs. So I suffered through being sick and working, until finally the day before my last day of work. I got up that day, stood up and collapsed onto the ground. I crawled into my bed (Thankfully I still had my old one, more on that later.) At 2pm I got up again with terrible aches and pains. Along with the fact that my throat felt as is I had swallowed a flaming golf ball. After a few hours at the hospital I saw a doctor, he figured out that I had strep throat. Not normal strep but strep throat that hasn’t been treated for 2 to 3 weeks. I also had a cist in the back of my throat. He took a large needle and busted it. Ouch!!! I went to my mom’s and literally slept for 3 days in a row. The Tylenol 3 helped a lot.
I missed my last day of work so that really sucked. They held my pay for 2 weeks which really sucked. Caused problems for me and for Neil (I owed him rent) Sorry about that man.
I went home on Sunday and started my new job on Monday. Thankfully they took it easy on me and things went great.
My bed frame cracked one night (No Jen was not there) and it started to sag in the middle (Please no fat jokes.) I took the mattresses out of the frame and onto the floor. I then found out that the frame wasn’t the only problem. So I went bed shopping with Jen, which was a lot of fun. I got a nice new bed on sale and it’s really comfy and high. It's maybe 3 feet high.
At this point I was feeling better. It was a lot of fun to have two weeks off. It passed really quickly and I went to many small parties. It was fun. Next year I plan on hosting a New Years Eve party. (More info, farther on.)
Just before Christmas I had a nasty argument with a friend. We had our differences and we’re both going through out own tough times and we just sort of got angry at each other. It was mostly my fault but I would like to tell that person, again, that I’m sorry.
I’m taking a break from credit course this semester. I am taking a staff course in advanced French grammar. It’s a lot of fun. (Fun and grammar in the same topic?)
Sadly I didn’t do very well in my last semester class. I’ll have to retake it in the future once I decide what I’m doing.
Well I’ve had issues with money in the past. Who hasn’t? So in the past 5 months I’ve managed to pay off two credit cards. Consolidate my other three, pay off a big chunk of that and make it out on top. I still have a long way to go before I’m debt free but it’s getting there.
I’m now also saving up for the future.
Jen and I have now been together for almost 14months. I’m now completely sure that she’s the only one for me and that I want to spend my life with her. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before and I’m so happy she feels the same. People who know us have been asking if we are getting married. The answer is not now but eventually.
The Future:
I’m very excited about the future. My job rocks and has great potential for advancement. I’ll start classes again next September part time. Someday I’ll go to teachers college. My financial state is good and I’m madly in love.
As most of you know, I’m planning on moving. (Yes the Bayshore boys are breaking up.) Plans are for June first. I’ll be moving to Lees avenue 190. I have a few friends there already and my family lives there. They know the owners so I should get a decent deal. I loved living with Jon, Alex, and Neil. We had some Good times at that place and some not so good but overall it was great. They’re a great group of guys. I’ll still be hanging out with them and playing D&D and so forth. Good friends are hard to come by and I’m not going to let them go.
Another part of the move is that I won’t be alone. I’m moving in with Jen. I think it’s going to be great. I know we’ll have our little squabbles and that it’s a big risk, especially after only a year and a half. But it’s a risk I’m more then willing to take. She’s wonderful and we’ll have so much fun learning how to live together as a couple. (Yeah I’m a dork but I'm really excited)
We both plan on hosting a new years eve party to usher in 2008. You're all invited.
On a last note I’ve become Mildly obsessed with Webcomics and graphic novels. I now read about 22 comics online regularly. 25 if you count the print comics I get online too. In a future post I’ll be recommending specific comics for specific people.
If you’ve read all this you’re really bored and congrats on finishing.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me in the past few months.