Helpful words

Sep 15, 2011 01:47

Here's a look at the Hungarian Alphabet and how to pronounce certain letters that seem confusing. All of this was cited by various sources and graciously put together by allthingshungarian.tumblr

A a aw, hot, what
Á á back, pan,
B bé baby, by, absence
C cé (ts). its, like tsunami
Cs csé (ch) church
D dé wide, deck.
Dz dzé Hudson. Greek letter zita
Dzs dzsé jam, jungle, bridge, edge, fridge
E e less, cheque, edge, bed
É é hair, café, hey, fail
F ef fresh
G gé go, give
Gy gyé during, duke, dew, due
H há high, human
I i thin, thick
Í í bee, leave, sea
J jé you, yes
K ká key, kiss
L el leave, list
Ly ely, el hey, ray
M em mind, assume, might,
N en thing, lying (before k & g),
need, bone (anywhere else)
Ny eny new, canyon, señor
O o all, force, sorcerer, November
Ó ó over, hole, coat
Ö ö early, burn, curl. Like the ‘e’ in the French
Ő ő Longer, closer version of ö. Like a child saying, “eurgh!”
P pé peas, apricot, hope
R er red
S es ship, wish
Sz esz said, estimate
T té tell, feast
Ty tyé , Tuesday
U u bull, good, pu
Ú ú do, fool, rule
Ü ü look. as in the last sound in the French expression “déjà vu
Ű ű food. ( “ü” pronounced for longer duration)
V vé every, very
Z zé zoo
Zs zsé pleasure, leisure, Jaques

Hol? - where?
Hova? - where to?
Honnon? - Where from?
Mikor? - When?
Melyik? - Which?

Hol találok? - Where can I find?
Merre van a? - Which direction is it to?
Hol van a? - Where is the?
Hol vagyunk/vagyok most? - Where are we/am I now?

Jobb - Right
Bal - Left

Észkat - North
Kelet - East
Dél - South
Nyugat - West

Go straight on - Mejen tovább egyenesen
Go left/right - Forduljon balra/Jobbra

red - piros
orange - narancssárga
green - zöld
yellow - sárga
blue - kék
purple - lila
white - fehér
brown - barna
black - fekete
pink - rózsaszín

Body Parts: Often used in the noun sense.
Fej - head
Haj - hair
Szem - eyes
Kar - arms
Kéz - hands
Váll - shoulder
Láb - foot/feet
lábszár - leg
Fül - ear
orr - nose
száj - mouth
test - body
has - abdomen/belly
Hát - back
Kar - arm
száj - mouth

Days of the Week:
hétfő - Monday
kedd - Tuesday
szerda - Wednesday
csütörtök - Thursday
péntek - Friday
szombat - Saturday
vasárnap - Sunday

Greetings both formal and informal:
Hagy vagy/hagy van - How are you (Formal & informal)
Yó reggelt kívánok - Good morning
Yó napot kívánok - Good day
Yó estét - Good evening
Mi a neve - What is your name
Barát - Friend. (barátok = plural)
Beszél angolul/magyarul? - Do you speak English/Hungarian?
Nem beszélek franciaul/németül - I don’t speak French/German
Nem értem - I don’t understand
Szép napot - Have a nice day

helpful hungarian words

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