*pops her head up from the grass*

Oct 04, 2008 12:21

squee? :D?

Hi everyone. Tez suckered me into persuaded me to apply, so here I am. I'm Shurimon (but Shuri is fine too), 23 years old, female, blah blah. I'll be playing Sky Tate from Power Rangers S.P.D., or Spike, as he'll be called in Edensphere; I took him from shortly after the series has ended, which is a good thing, believe me. I've had plenty of experience RPing, but it's mostly been one-on-one with my boyfriend over IM; I was in another multifandom LJ game earlier in the year but left it due to dissatisfaction. I hope Spike and I will have a great time here, and I'm looking forward to meeting y'all.

If you want to get ahold of me, you can catch me on AIM at SPDBridge03 or e-mail me, spdbridge03 at gmail dot com. My personal journal is shurimon, inventively enough. Feel free to friend me there. I am kinda shy at first, but I'm always up for chatting. I'm in the Eastern timezone, but I'm on at all odd hours of the day and night.

[SHAMELESS SELF PLUG] Also, since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here who knows Spike's canon, feel free to poke around the S.P.D. section at RangerWiki. I wrote the vast majority of the content you see there. [/SHAMELESS SELF PLUG] I'm also working on an OOC infopost with a more detailed overview of Spike's personality and background.

friend add blue_shields over here, por favor.


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