※ ACTIVITY CHECK: This is the fifteenth activity check, covering from Sep 12-Sep 26.
fistygunsbendsthetidehylian_sheikahdedicatedsniperargentsolgilded_souhikanin_gitaristquincy_crossedblondsambitionsper_fectonpaperINACTIVE: The following characters have not passed for activity.
- Viola,
- Flight,
- Garlock,
- Bane,
- Ocean,
- Kite,
- Manju,
** will be removed on next activity check.
Copy and paste the following into the
admin console.
friend add fistyguns
friend add bendsthetide
friend add hylian_sheikah
friend add dedicatedsniper
friend add argentsol
friend add gilded_souhi
friend add kanin_gitarist
friend add quincy_crossed
friend add blondsambitions
friend add per_fectonpaper
friend remove psalmed
friend remove manly_spirit
friend remove aceoftheaeu
friend remove a_missing_piece
friend remove bearhearted
friend remove child_of_auphe
friend remove riba_u_vodi
friend remove hylian_shadow
REMOVE: (dropped)
psalmedmanly_spiritaceoftheaeuREMOVE: (inactive)
a_missing_piecebearheartedchild_of_aupheriba_u_vodi The next activity check will be posted on Oct 10/11 and will cover from Sep 26-Oct 10. Please don't forget to post within those two weeks!
※ IMPORTANT NOTICES: There have been quite a few revisions to the map posts and the FAQ.
Maps Posts:
The Unstable Space |
Square Zero |
The City Without WallsFAQ:
Is there a character limit?What kind of character history are you looking for in the 'Background' section of your applications? And what is considered 'AU'?Can my character get his/her name back?What kinds of memories can my character have?Do players HAVE to post the memories that characters have received from memory crystals?*
*If there are any questions or concerns regarding these revisions, you are more than welcome to contact any of the mod staff.
※ UPCOMING EVENTS: The October events have already been posted in the
current events post. Please enjoy! And feel free to drop any questions in this post. XD
※ THANK YOU. We greatly appreciate your participation~