In the final moments of Edensphere-As-We-Know-It Renée will finish dying, leaving her contributions, the 4th and 5th floors, to completely slide out of existence in the wake of her departure. Fugue will no longer be able to hold onto his fantasy, for the person it was built up around is leaving and all he is left with is the truth of his actions.
Cancer? is aware that she is going to die soon- and that the fourth and fifth floors are going to go with her. She has also come to realize that the people in Edensphere are no longer mere figments of her brother's imagination and have managed to transcend him. While her greatest desire is still to escape her brother's delusion so that she can have a peaceful death, she no longer wishes for the others trapped with her to suffer the same fate, for she has watched them grow and become real.
As such, once Fugue is reborn for the last time, she will make a final journal entry saying her goodbyes and informing the residents of what she knows. She will then go to seek Fugue out, corner him, and force him to face the truth. She will reconcile with him, inspiring Fugue to finally quit his farce and end his delusion that he can continue hiding in his dream world. Then, Cancer? will perish for good. The fourth and fifth floors will be consumed with whiteness and disappear and will no longer be accessible by any means whatsoever.
When he can no longer hide from the truth and is left with no other option but to accept his fate, Fugue will wake up in his world and become Remmy once more, causing the Sphere to shatter. Our IC date for this event is October 24th (the anniversary of the Fire coincidentally enough), although we will be forward dating the log soon.
With the loss of the creative forces of Edensphere does it all come to an end? Not quite.
This is where that tricky collective unconscious comes into play. The center of Edensphere, the Wilderness, is linked to the minds of many other dreamers: those who are responsible for creating the characters Fugue pulled into his world in the first place, others who write fic and dream of exciting new scenarios for their favorite characters just as Fugue did, or simply your run-of-the-mill hapless dreamer. All are invested and connected, however minutely, to the beings who dwell within Edensphere. It's because of this that two things happen.
First, the residents of the Sphere have gained a will and consciousness of their own, becoming beings in their own right, if only within this realm of dreams. This means that through their own desires a part of Edensphere will remain despite Fugue's departure. The wilderness will remain as the sole level and the new Edensphere and the 1st and 2nd floors will disappear into nothingness. However residents that are on the 1st and 2nd floors will black out as the whiteness consumes them and wake up somewhere in the wilderness' meadow. Similarly, those in the wilderness will see a blinding flash of light and when they come to their senses they will find their friends and neighbors asleep around them. The elevator that once took people back to the 1st and 2nd floor will now only have one destination. Into the Tree. Yes, the giant tree that is in the wilderness will become the Great Oak and residents will be happy to discover that everything they had in their homes and on the floating islands has been replicated. More details will be given in the final log description.
Secondly, the connection to other dreams becomes more tangible. The perimeter of the former Wilderness is surrounded by a thin veil of tiny glass shards that catch the light and obscures what is beyond. This marks the edge of Edensphere's realm. If one walks beyond they are privy to a plethora of new worlds. These worlds are all dreams in their own right and some of them look startlingly familiar. There's a reason for that. Some individuals may find the dreams of their creators, those authors and artists that first conceived them, and as a result find a striking approximation of their own worlds.
When the Sphere shatters, the shards of glass will float in the air, continuing to surround the Wilderness and Tree. Past this barrier, however, are numerous new dreamscapes, corresponding to the canon worlds of the residents. At this point, characters have a few options:
Option A: Characters may choose to stay in Edensphere, settling into the wilderness. It has now become its own world, existing in the collective consciousness of the residents.
Option B: Characters may choose to go home by finding the dreamscape that corresponds to the dream of their canon creator. They may even find the dreams of a fan, in which events unfold differently than they do in canon. In doing so, they may either choose to forget they were ever in Edensphere, or retain their memories, becoming AU versions of themselves.
Option C: Characters may choose to world-hop, traveling from dreamscape to dreamscape as they please. For those residents who were brought to Edensphere after death, this is an opportunity to travel home with friends or family from other worlds.
At the end of Edensphere, you will have the opportunity to have your characters recover all or simply parts of their memories should you choose. This is not, however, by any means compulsory - you may also choose characters to continue living without memories of their previous lives whether they like it or not.
Any time on or after the final log on the the 24th, all characters that will be recovering their memories will fall into a dead sleep that will last 24 hours. Once they awaken, it will be as if their memories had never been stolen from them with the small addition that they will also remember their time in Edensphere. Some characters will remember absolutely everything of their past, and others will only remember portions as you see fit.
In order to fit with our narrative of self-determination, there is the possibility that your characters will only remember the portions of their lives that they choose to remember. Does your character have an incredibly traumatic memory that their subconscious wishes to subdue? Then just like that, they will not be in possession of that particular memory when they awaken.
After Fugue and Cancer’s final log, the rips appearing all over the first and second floors will spread. These rips will cover everything in white, swallowing the Tree and islands; while similar to the blank Wilderness of previous months, this time, residents will seem to be engulfed in it as well.
When it fades, the residents will find themselves in the new, peaceful Wilderness, along with the Tree, Surprisingly, it seems to have been moved, with its roots now in the Wilderness and the islands floating about its crown.
We'll post one last moderation-sponsored open log for exploration and discovery of the Wilderness and lands beyond the veil of broken glass. After that? What happens is up to you, the playerbase! Will your character find their way home? Regain all their memories? Choose to forget and build their lives in the new Edensphere? We know you'll have a lot of questions so feel free to hit us up in the comments or use them for plotting.
It’s been a long and fulfilling ride, but after the that last sponsored log, the game will be officially over, and we’ll be leaving the further adventures of your characters in your capable hands. The communities will not be deleted, so please feel free to backtag for as long as you need!
Thank you for your enthusiasm, your drive, and your creativity over the course of the game. And we’d especially like to thank you all for your commitment and patience as we’ve worked out endgame details these past months.
We hope you’ve enjoyed your time here, and that you’re all able to bring your characters’ stories to a satisfying conclusion. The moderation team wishes you all the best, wherever you wind up. (But we know we’ll be seeing plenty of you around! We’re not going anywhere.)
- Ami, Fey, Jaina, Kikos, Kris, Mob, Scath and Shurimon