happy fun hollow time

Aug 18, 2010 19:55

Okay so! As I mentioned in my comment on the bodyswap post, Bellflower is getting switched into Lisa Yadomaru, because Lisa is awesome and I'm a troll or something. For those who don't know Bleach canon, Lisa is a Vizard - she has control over her inner Hollow, and can harness it's power to be hax. Hollows are basically big mishapen creatures that look like they're made of bone and enjoy eating human souls - basically 'hungry ghost' taken to a whole new level.

Unfortunately, as Bellfower doesn't have Lisa's memories of her abilities, she also lacks the skills necessary to conciously controll the Hollow. And there are lots of people with tasty delicious power in the Sphere. Sometime early Saturday afternoon, the Hollow is gong to finally wise up enough to look for an opening, - and get one. People who are sensitive to spirit-energy (which I believe includes Jedi and Naruto ninjas as well herE? USE YOUR OWN JUDGEMENT) will feel a burst of very nasty, very hungry energy coming from the general direction of Bazaar Ltd. She'll be going after people with a lot of power (they are tastiest) as a rule of thumb, though if you get in her way she won't hesitate to toss you aside. Feel free to pick a fight with her - Hollows of this strength regenerate faster than bitty ones, so you can be rough with her without too many bad effects afterwards. I would like to hae her not kill anyone, as this whole thing will be traumatizing enough, but if you would like a character to get lightly maimed, give me a shout!

Final showdown will be versus Toushi in the Park, so they can jump around and trash things without too much real property damage happening. Before that, if someone sufficiently powerful comes up against her (ie, most of the people she will try to nom) she'll probably run when it becomes clear she's losing the fight.

For stats reference, Lisa's Hollow mask looks like this. We will say for the sake of description that her full Hollow form is somewhat like the devil trigger forms from DMC3, except bone-white and with the swapped mask and long, loose black hair. And, uh. A touch more chest definition, as it were. Crazy Hollow powers will not come into play until her fight with Toushi (even Hollows have to remember things first!) but she's much stronger and faster as a Hollow - decidedly inhumanly so. And I'm going to probably use my Lisa journal, dragonflysmash for tags because yay icons.

With all that textdump out of the way - any volunteers for fights? Big or small are all welcome - just no killing on either side XD Spectators are also welcome, and if any of the stall owners want their stuff messed up some, we could do that too. The whole thing will last maybe an hour and a half or two hours tops in-game as any longer and I don't think I can suspend disbelief to prevent deaths any longer than that. I'll put up a log - prooobably around 2pm PST - for everything to go down in, and will probably start seperate threads for the 'big' segements to keep things neat.

(This whole mess is mod-approved ♥)
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