loltiming Fresh meat New blood here. :D I'm Bokunenjin and I bring you another Allen Walker from D.Gray-Man, to be known as Gray. olordbigshoestofill. You may know me by my
dichrous Allen. :P
Allen is... not easily summarized as my
teel-der writeup would suggest. :D But he exists to be trolled mercilessly, suffer, hijacked, and to have his messiah-complex triggered. He kind of finds ways to get involved in everything, somehow without even trying, despite his mun standing back and going "WHY, BOY, WHY? god what are you getting me into." But he's really a very nice, complex fail!British fake!gentleman sort. Most of the time. Don't play poker with him. Or push one of his buttons. Bad idea. Though either entertaining or epic. ... Probably both.
Still setting the new journal up and I'm going to be a bit slow at first as I just got done with a con and will continue to be out of state for another week or so. But I shall endeavor! I'm a friendly person so feel free to poke me on AIM (bokunenjin84) or wherever. :D
I might make noob mistakes. In fact, no, I'm sure I will. Please forgive/tell me? I learn fast~
Quite excited to be here!