Next month, March, will be the return of our Revolving Reveries event. It will last FIVE DAYS, the dates of which will be announced closer to March.
Characters will be able to experience each other's dreams - the ones that they received upon being born in Edensphere - only ONE dream per night of the event. This time that's FIVE dreams total.
If you'd like to request another character's dream, you may also do so in a comment to this post - UNLESS A PLAYER OBJECTS TO YOUR CHARACTER HAVING THEIR CHARACTER'S DREAM BY COMMENTING TO THIS POST, you're more than welcome to have it.
YOU MAY ONLY REQUEST UP TO THREE DREAMS PER EACH OF YOUR CHARACTERS THIS ROUND. The last two will be assigned randomly and may be those of characters who are currently in the Sphere, or those who have left. The deadline for requesting dreams or opting out is February 12th.
If you don't have any preference in regards to dreams, your character will be assigned random dreams for all five nights.
There will be a table giving characters and dream assignments when the dates are announced. Example of how this will look is
If you don't want your character to receive a certain dream, or any dreams at all, or if you would prefer your character's dream to remain private, feel free to specify that as well. Please comment here if that is the case, or we will not know to remove your character or their dreams from the list.
Remember this is OPT OUT so all dreams ARE considered fair game unless you comment here before February 12th with a request to leave your character or certain dreams out.
Of course links and descriptions for available dreams are great! But if you're opting any dreams out, please be really specific so we don't miss it and add it in by mistake.
Q: Can I opt out one dream but not another?
Yes you may, but please be specific and do so before the deadline. Comments after the deadline will not be considered, so if you don't want a dream shared, make sure to let us know as soon as you can. Likewise if you wish to change your mind, you can revoke an opt-out, but only before the deadline.
Q: Can I specify that only certain characters may see a dream?
Yes you may. Please have a good reason for this, however, as this event is geared to creating CR.
Q: Can I opt out of giving but not receiving?
Yes you may if you feel it would damage your ability to play to have dreams shared, but still wish to participate by receiving dreams.
Q: Can I opt out of receiving but not giving?
You may do this as well!
Q: Can I only opt in for a certain number of days/part of the event?
No you may not. This is all or nothing participation. If you are in it for one day, you're in it for all five.
Q: What if my character doesn't sleep one night/is fourth floored/dead for some of the event?
If your character experiences something that would prevent them from receiving one or more of the dreams, they will receive those dreams on the first and subsequent nights of sleep they get after whatever prevented them from receiving the dream, until they are caught up.
Q: May I request a dream of a previous version of my character/dream that my character has forgotten?
Yes you may!
Q: May I request a dream of a character no longer in ES?
Reminder: The deadline for
commenting on the wishlist before moderation prunes it is fast approaching!