Nov 27, 2008 11:36
Hullo~ Rei here, with my 3rd character: Russia, from Axis Powers Hetalia. Briefly, APH is a webcomic turned manga turned anime (going to be released January 24th!) where the author has drawn each country as a human being. It goes through various historical events, such as America's separation from the UK, Germany having to save Italy all the time during the world wars, and France molesting everyone. Russia is basically as close to a "bad guy" character as the series has, and even then he's mostly just childish and clingy. And kind of crazy, but who cares, right? Right. 8D
Here in ES he'll be going by the name Vodka, after his favourite drink! Please friend_add kolkolkolkolkol (that's "kol" x 5), and don't ever think of leaving him, kk?