I'm not scheming anything. Honestly, I'm not. XD (pls don't look at the tags)

Oct 07, 2008 10:59

Curious ten. is very curious. Newer ES residents might not be able to reply to this just yet, but feel free to have a peek or maybe try to answer. I swear that these answers have nothing to do with plotting and that this sentence is not being struck out because it's a huge lie.

So, please drop me a comment with the following:
1. Does your character have a most cherished item?
1a. If so, what is this item, and is your character in possession of it?
1b. If your character has not yet found it, how would s/he feel if someone else had it?
1c. If your character does have/somehow obtains it, how would s/he feel if someone else stole it?

2. Does your character have a very intense relationship with anyone in Edensphere?
2a. If so, who is it, and what is their relationship?
2b. How would your character react if that person suddenly disappeared?
2c. How would your character react if that person was kidnapped/held hostage?
2d. How would your character react if that person died?

I'll answer too, I promise! XD Like I said, I'm not scheming anything by posting this. Honest.

meme, plot bunnies

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