Characters: NPC: Iris (
npc_kun), Phoenix/Truth (
misterbluesky), Miles/Justice (
extantlaw), and Maximum/Hybrid (
Date/Time: Sometime on Oct 2
Location: The Hall of Beginnings
Rating: PG13 for nudityXsims-bubbles
Summary: A full house in Edensphere with the least stable guide there to greet them.
It was the worst of times, and... the worst of times, really. *LAME* )
Oh, but her luck was just about to get that much better, because just as she'd skidded to a halt to check how many bundles she had, she heard another icky and gross slurping sound. Which meant that one more had fallen out of a cocoon. Her eyes widened in horror, thought bubble indicating NONONONONO!!! This CAN'T be!!!
Her heart was racing, but she fought to keep herself from simply passing out and settled for dropping to her knees on the floor. Then she plopped her butt down and looked up in the general direction of the hatchlings. "Ummm.... ummm...." Iris froze, thought bubble indicating Where do I start? What now? First things first, right? Breathe.... just breathe, okay? And all the while that was replaying in her head when she finally managed to say, "H-Hi, a-are you a-all... a-alr-right?" With that one question, her mind was trying to hype her up You can do it! You can do this, Iris. You can do it.
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