Characters: Amber (
magical_bosom) and OPEN
Date/Time: 25 to 26 August 2011, any time in the day
Location: Adventurers HQ/ the Bazaar/ the Farm/ Wellspring Island/ Section Two
Rating: PG
Summary: Amber goes about her day. Come bother her say hello? [ooc: Just jot down time and place for a thread, I'll go from there. ♥]
I scribed the words of God // And much of history )
She just tipped her flat straw hat back to catch a bit of sun as she sat there, vaguely wondering if she ought to call Havoc for a ride, or even just to stay in his cave for a bit. It felt strange and uncomfortable to still be doing daily things when she knew that the Sphere was in danger of destruction and that the opposing force to that was probably the worse evil.
But without knowing a way to safely destroy Fugue or deal with the Exile, Krile wasn't physically able to do more than what she already did. At least there were cleverer people than her working on this too--if she couldn't figure it out, one of them probably could.
She looked back around the Park and spotted a silver-haired woman some ways off. Krile waved and called "Hello!" almost automatically, just thinking that it'd be nice to talk to someone.
As she stirred and took off the scarf she'd tied on her head to keep away the sun, about to re-fold and don it again, a bright young voice made her pause.
"Good afternoon!" she called back, gesturing for the girl to come closer if she wished. There was room on the bench for another, certainly, and one did not shun a friendly face.
She headed over, feeling somewhat better when she crossed into the shade. Maybe she'd been in the sun a touch too long. Still, Krile gave the woman a pleasant smile. "Hi there. Are you taking an afternoon off?"
"I'm trying to escape the sun," she said amicably. "The Park is at least a little cooler than the office. If my memory serves me right, you might be Krile?"
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