You're home again, so won't you close the door

Aug 17, 2011 14:39

Characters: Genius man_genius and Rick bloody_pens
Date/Time: Between July 7th and 17th
Location: The 4th floor
Rating: PG for now for guy love and Rick's potty mouth
Summary: The man-twins are spirited off to the fourth floor and visit Rick's loft. However, something seems a little off about it, too...

Rick was quite sure that Genius was going to faint from pure neurosis before they made it to wherever the elevator was taking them. When his brother had paranoid spells like that, it was hard to bring him down.

Which is why he was relieved when the elevator's doors finally opened; the two stepped out into what looked like a living area.

"Finally," Rick breathed. "It's about damn-"

However, his breath caught in his throat, his words dying on his lips when he got a good look around. To their left was metal staircase leading up to a second floor. Straight ahead was a living room with several comfortable leather couches, tables filled with pictures and knicknacks, and windows along the back wall, along with a kitchen. To their right was a closed door leading to a room that had transparent walls on either side; each wall had shelves filled with dozens of books.

"Son of a bitch," he breathed when he caught site of a table with several photos on it- a serious-looking little girl (no, not just any girl, it was Promise), himself and his teenage daughter both looking happy, himself and his mother.

Castle couldn't move. Couldn't speak. He was flooded with an overwhelming sense of familiarity- and more importantly, a sense of place. Of home.

Was this where he had lived? Well, the pictures certainly pointed to that.

He let out a sharp breath.

dollhouse: topher (genius), castle: richard (derrick)

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