Characters: Philosopher (
worrybot), You (
luuke_skywalker), Genius (
Date/Time: 14 Jul, morning
Location: Medical
Rating: G
Summary: Philosopher convinced "Ben" to go to Medical and see Genius, who wants to examine his strange personality change and actions since his death.
It had taken all of Philosopher's diplomacy to coax Ben down to Medical to see Genius. He was trying very hard not to think about what Cephiro had been saying, that this wasn't Ben at all, but at the same time, he almost hoped the little boy was right. He missed Ben the way that he had been: kind, patient, dependable. This Ben hardly spoke and seemed confused by the simplest things. Sophy hoped that Genius would know what to do to get him back to normal. Human biology was much too complicated for him.
Although he normally preferred to trail after the person whom he was accompanying, he was in the lead when they got to Medical. For once, he was quiet as he waited for Genius. Although an unenthusiastic conversational partner had never stopped him before, this time he just didn't have the motivation for chatter.