Gotta Get-Get

Jun 13, 2011 23:00

Characters: Anew Returner/Stellaris (lingeringlegacy) Veda/Tieria Erde (interveningly and Topher Brink/Genius (man_genius)
Date/Time: Monday, June 13th
Location: Access Point and then onto the wildernesses
Rating: PG
Summary: Stellaris talks Genius into investigating a high tech medical lab in the latest wilderness and Veda never passes up an opportunity to angst in space. It would be all fine and dandy (and full of awesome robotic eyeballs!) if not for the fact that one of the three has a dragon with her...

That future boom, boom, boom'>------

This was absolutely the worst idea ever. Well. Maybe not the worse, it certainly didn't top Key's decision to channel Fred's recklessness and go bond with ants (but not by much!) But it was still up there. Genius hated going into the wilderness. It was so bright and outdoors, unpredictable and dangerous and outdoors and wild and ...outdoors. Sure Disney World had been fun and well, his friends said he enjoyed the Mall of America even if he could no longer remember it...but exploring a creepy space station? It was like just asking for disaster.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Stellaris. He knew she was more than capable of handling danger (she was dating Lyle after all so that probably meant she had a gun fetish as well). But the two of them, alone in the wilderness, without the others? The medical technology had better be worth such a risk. He was pretty sure Lyle and Rick would kill him if he managed to get himself and Stellaris killed. He would be rekilled and that would suck more than the original killing.

He was still second guessing himself when he reached the spot where he agreed to meet his friend. It wasn't too late to turn back. But then again, they really needed better medical tech.

Turn back. Tech. Turn back. Tech.

God he made lousy life choices.

gundam 00: anew (stellaris), dollhouse: topher (genius), gundam 00: tieria (veda)

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