I was up all night // Waiting for some kind of miracle

Jun 12, 2011 12:36

Characters: Kagerou (weaver_girl), OPEN TO Simon (pompous_today), Gai (spandexisyouth), Bastet (felinemystique), Materia (viva_la_materia), Smoke (inthecenterfold), Rosalind (blindedmewith) and others by agreement?
Date/Time: 10 June to 15 June 2011
Location: All over Kagerou's usual haunts: Section 3, the Bazaar, the Park, the Dojo... and the Babylon 5 Wilderness on 13 June!
Rating: Possibly up to PG-13 for mention of violence
Summary: Kagerou deals with the aftermath of her latest memory, plus some renewed trauma from that trip to the Attic. And some other people's problems, too. Thankfully help is not far away.
Note: Kagerou is rolling around being Robo!Kage until the morning of 13 June.

[Basically, please pick a time and a place and post a thread. Or leave me an ooc note or hit me up on Plurk, and I will start one.]


In the privacy of her own mind, Kagerou had to admit that keeping up a happy, chipper attitude was a chore on occasion. She sincerely didn't want anyone to worry about her: it was tough enough ducking around Axel and Rosalind pretending that she was just exasperated with the robot costume (as awesome as it was. She had gone to a distant corner of Melee Island to test out the missiles. They made explosions not as big, but definitely as excellent as those she had managed in her stint as a Power Ranger apprentice last summer. It did seem, though, that they were mostly sound and fury: actual damage to the surroundings had been slight. That was for the best, she concluded in the end).

Deep down, Special Agent, Hero Nurse, Somewhat Clumsy But There Is Hope Bartender Inoue Kagerou was not feeling very up at all. She had laid out the facts as followed:

One (1), she had been held captive somewhere in a desert. Two (2), the horn-masked man had been one of her captors (she really needed a better moniker for him, but maybe it was best to hold off in case she ever did hear his name. It might be strange to switch then). Three (3), this man had tried to kill Toushi, which did not endear him to Kagerou one bit. Four (4), she had been him for a few days last summer, which rather wrinkled the issue even more. And five (5), she had killed him in the Attic Wilderness.

Even given facts one to three, fact five was strange to swallow. It kept sticking in her throat and making her feel like she wanted to throw up, then curl up in a ball and cry until she couldn't cry anymore.

She had wanted to be able to fight; she'd asked Gai to train her for that reason. She'd practised with Tsubaki, with Gai and even more often alone, for that reason. Had she simply been feeling left out? Like she had something to prove, when all of her friends from home were capable warriors?

It was probably very stupid to get that worked up over something that hadn't even been real. The Wilderness had concocted something from her and 00's fears and doubts and used it against them. They had as much as agreed that to be the case. She'd been able to put a lid on her emotions and screw it shut. And now she went through most of the day feeling as if the jar might shatter at any given moment.

Perhaps it was time to talk to someone, little as she knew where even to begin.

bleach: orihime (kagerou), firefly/serenity: simon (will), ff7: yuffie (materia), naruto: gai (youth), bleach: yoruichi (bastet)

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