interveningly &
hisbutler_boundDate/Time: December 7th, Morning
Location: Hall of Beginnings
Rating: PG-13 for nudity/possible other things. There are zombies out.
Summary: Veda is born into Edensphere during the zombie attacks.
Black hardly had time to go home as he quickly descended upon the Hall of Beginnings. He was still a little wet from soaping himself and his clothes with water and some soap, taking less time than usual since he was rushing and the moisture clung to his clothes. At least he wouldn't smell as horrid as the rest of Edensphere.
Black had kept his clothes on incase any of the newborns were born, and the small bucket next to him hardly helped with what little water it contained. Still, the night had been rather quiet so far. Instead of his eyes on the cocoons they were this night on the door. Yes, there was a Guard outside, but Black hardly trusted anyone. So when the cocoon behind him started wiggling, he briefly glanced that way before putting his scythe down beside the chair. It would at least be in easy reach.