Never come back here again

Nov 24, 2010 00:40

Characters: Castor (unevoked)
Date/Time: Late Afternoon/Evening, Nov. 23rd
Location: Wellspring Island
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: A boy and his dog.

He really didn't mind the cold. Castor never had, really, fine with being outside so long as he had a good coat, maybe some gloves. It just didn't bother him very much, whether it was from being used to it, or just not feeling it as much as other people. The one thing he didn't like about it was how much it reminded him of that fucking ice storm from the year before and how much Pollux would always bitch about the cold.

It was a stupid thing for his thoughts to hone in on, really. Stupider still, since he was lying in the middle of the damn woods, instead of in a nice heated room back home, so it would only remind him of it more. Uncomfortably, he shifted the arm that rested behind his head, the other moving over to scratch Boy behind the ear. (The now-huge Wolfhound let out a quiet whine, tail thumping against the ground at the attention before she lowered her head back down as well.) Whatever the case, he wasn't doing the best when it came to moving on. There were so many things for him to be bitter and angry and cynical about- His best friend, man he considered his brother, and only connection to a home he couldn't remember had simply disappeared, and here he was, lying in the woods, and recalling the way Pollux would constantly complain about the cold.

Maybe it was just easier to start small when it came to accepting the fact that his roommate wasn't coming home again. His nose wrinkled for a moment, re-going over that thought. No, he was being a selfish douche again. Yeah, the Tree was Castor's home, but that's because he had nothing else. This was his last stop, it had to be. But it wasn't the same for everyone else. Pollux still had things to do back home. Whatever they had been fighting monsters for, whatever Castor had died for (If he had died for anything, of course,) was still back there. More than anything else, he still had to remember his sister.

His fingers clenched a little tighter on themselves. Boy thumped her tail on the ground again, nudging her master's elbow with her muzzle.

" stupid for him to stick around forever, huh." he finally sat up, letting his legs draw closer to himself as he scratched the dog on the head again. Despite his words, his voice lacked real conviction behind it, there was no resolution or understanding. No matter how he tried to think about it, it all came out bitter. Pollux had things waiting for him. He had a life, for one. He had people to live for.

But goddamnit, this wasn't how the story was supposed to go.

It was as though there had been no point for him to come here in the first place. He'd only been here... what, seven, eight months? Shown up freezing cold and awkward, disappeared leaving only his things and the dying bruises from their last fistfight. There was no point to it. It was just how this place seemed to work: Nothing transcended itself. If he was lucky, Pollux would show back up with some stupid story about dying. If he was a little less lucky, he'd show back up with no memories. Castor was fairly sure his current streak of luck would hold out and he wouldn't see him again.

"Y'know, I never told him my name," He looked down to Boy, letting out a dry, lost laugh. "Found it out months ago, and I didn't say a damn thing." The dog remained silent, watching him. Even if she couldn't understand what he was saying, the quiet, attentive listener was enough. He was sure that dogs were empathetic enough, even without understanding the context. Even if all she understood was that her master was hurting, that was enough to be consoling. "Figured we named ourselves what we did for a reason, so it just never came up. The story's 'bout Castor and Pollux, anyway, not Pollux and Shinji."

He drew his knees up and folded his arms on them, before moving a hand to a pocket. How he had managed to go this long without a cigarette, he wasn't sure. Distracted, probably. Still, he kept rambling.

"Never told him a lot've stuff, I figure." He swore as the lighter refused to catch flame. Even though the trees barred a lot of the wind, it didn't want to catch. After a few more seconds the lighter ended up thrown violently against a tree, Castor simply fidgeting the unlit cigarette in his hand instead, occasionally tapping a finger against it. "Sure he did the same. The hell's the point of it?" He looked back to Boy, who simply blinked at him.

"It ain't like we can change anything that happened. I can't exactly go back home. Even if we figure out everything 'bout ourselves, the hell does it change?" His stare hardened for a moment, words turning into a short snarl. "Fucking nothing. We're still here, we're still doing our shit jobs, we're still watching people disappear and get killed for no goddamn reason." He quieted for a moment, looking back to his fidgeting hands. Boy nosed his arm again.

He had no idea what happened when people disappeared. He had no idea why. All he knew was that Pollux wasn't there anymore. He wasn't coming home, he wasn't anywhere to be found. He just wasn't in Edensphere. His head fell a little bit, brows creasing as he closed his eyes. When he spoke again, it was less impassioned and angry. Instead, it was just the quiet admittance of: "...I hope he's back home."

He'd head back to the spa himself later. For now, though, he just needed a little bit more time to think.

!complete, persona 3: shinjiro (castor)

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