Characters: Mindelan (
of_mindelan ) and YOU (open)
Date/Time: The 21st through the 23rd.
Location: Roughly anywhere; the Arcade Wilderness, Captain Planet, and the Bazaar are the most likely. Please specify where.
Rating: Eh. PG?
Summary: The 4kids event has turned Mindelan into an excruciatingly stoic Bishonen with a passing resemblance to
this guy. Thanks to a memory crystal, she's also wearing
this and tailed by seven dwarf mannequins. Oh yes. Bother her?
Mindelan didn't have a problem with dresses. She preferred breeches, definitely, and that was mostly because they suited her lifestyle much better. But this dress - well. She didn't instantly despise it, but it wasn't something she'd have chosen.
She could put a jacket on, at least, and keep from freezing, but it was impossible to hide the voluminous yellow skirt, and the only shoes she could wear were the ones that came with the dress. They had small heels, just enough to throw her off a little. The small mannequins following her wherever she went were more of a hassle, filling most the elevator whenever she took it.
She had to think, though, that it was made worse by what else was going on. Occasional sparkles, altered names, and difficulty saying more than a few words at a time was a little of it. More importantly... well. She sincerely hoped that no one who'd notice that her face and figure were slimmer and a touch more feminine would wonder why her voice was a little deeper.
There was no helping it. She could still do her work, and she would.