
Nov 02, 2010 23:25

Characters: Koi (floating_bamboo), Kazahana (snowburned), Toushi (pimpcoatbankai) & Mysterious Person
Date/Time: TBA
Location: Medical -> Scavengers Yard
Rating: NC-17 (for violence and chara death)
Summary: Koi and his 'kids' run into someone familiar.

Remember, there are two kind of fights... the fight for pride and the fight for life. )

bleach: ichigo (toushi), bleach: rukia (kazahana), ~bleach: ukitake (koi), npc: nothing

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snowburned November 2 2010, 23:07:41 UTC
It had been a busy day, although not the busiest the clinic ever saw, and that suited Kazahana. It wasn't that sure took enjoyment from others' sickness or injuries, but the work gave her a sense of productivity that was quite satisfying.

Still, the presence of friends was even better than a job well done, and the feel of Koi's reiatsu approaching brought a smile to her face. She beamed up at him as he entered and gave him a little wave as she finished the file she had opening, motioning him over.


floating_bamboo November 2 2010, 23:56:21 UTC
He brightened up even more at the sight of the short, dark-haired medic, and Koi raised a hand in a slightly dorky wave back. Putting down the bento box he was saving for Simon, he moved over to where she was working with some files.

"Kazahana. How nice to see you. Are you hungry?" He nodded to the table and smiled again. "I brought some food for everyone. Is Simon busy?"


snowburned November 3 2010, 00:11:02 UTC
Kazahana glanced over her shoulder, but Simon was nowhere in sight. "He must be with a patient in one of the examination rooms," she said apologetically. "But if you wait around a while, he'll probably turn up. And I haven't had lunch today, as it happens."


floating_bamboo November 3 2010, 00:47:40 UTC
"I see. I will not disturb him, then. I'll leave his food here, if that's acceptable."

He chuckles slightly at her words and nods towards the bento boxes. "Help yourself. It should be enough for most of the medics. It's just something simple."

Rice, sliced pork, a sweet sauce and lots of vegetables, to be exact. And a butterscotch candy, nicely placed to the side as a small dessert. Because in Koi's mind, we all needed a little bit of sweet in our lives.


snowburned November 3 2010, 01:19:00 UTC
"I'm sure he won't mind. It'll be a nice surprise for him."

She'd had enough meals that Koi had prepared to not think twice when he offered her the bento. "Have you considered selling custom lunches like these at the tea shop? I have a feeling you'd see a new slew of loyal customers."

Not that she knew anything about running a shop. But it was a nice day and the company was good, so she didn't feel particularly embarrassed about saying the silly things that came to mind.


floating_bamboo November 3 2010, 02:02:42 UTC
"I've given it a few thoughts, but I would not want to compete with the other market owners when it comes to serving food. Tea and pastries seem to work well."

Koi was also not sure that the manager of the shop would like that idea, so he would use his cooking powers for the good and serve it to hungry medics and their friends. He liked speaking with Kazahana this way, though, and he felt that it had really been too long since he had seen any of his dear friends.

"Have you been doing well? It seems a little busy today."


snowburned November 3 2010, 03:35:23 UTC
"You're too modest for your own good." She smiled, though; it had been a whim, not a serious suggestion.

As far as she was concerned, though, it was Koi's shop. He had the greatest knowledge of teas, and his warm presence was half the reason to go there. But it was possible she might be biased.

"There have been a few more injuries than usual, but nothing too taxing," she said. "People let the changes in the sphere frustrate them too much sometimes. But I'm well. And you? How are you feeling?"


npc_kun November 3 2010, 04:33:16 UTC
While the two friends talked, an unnatural shadow moved across the clinic's window, partially blocking the sun. It lingered for a moment before the shadow shifted into a man with short spiky black hair and serious blue eyes. He was dressed in a shihakusho. The man stared into the clinic with intensity and he waited to see if he was spotted before his lips parted with a small smile.


floating_bamboo November 3 2010, 04:42:00 UTC
"I'm just fine, now. I've been a bit-" Koi interrupted himself as he noticed the movement at the window, and the somewhat familiar shadow it created when blocking out the sun. It drew his mind to a certain ginger boy he had not seen in a while.

"Did you see that?" Koi sounded a bit confused, looking at Kazahana. "Toushi?"


snowburned November 4 2010, 00:14:38 UTC
The moment stretched out as Kazahana just stared.

That face...it was difficult to see through the half-silhouette, but she saw enough to turn her veins to ice water. That face. Him.

"It's not Toushi," she said, and dashed toward the exit, stopping by the rack near the coathooks where she kept her sword.


sorry this is late my phone ate my earlier reply /sob npc_kun November 4 2010, 03:11:24 UTC
The man at the window smiled at Kazahana's reaction. He hesitated for a moment, waved to Koi and then took off running, although not at the rapid speed of shun-po. Still, the man had enough of a head start that he made it to the bridges in no time.

Then at the edge of the bridge to the Access Point, the man vanished into thin air. He reappeared again at the far end of the other side of the bridge and he paused to beckon at the duo onward. He pointed his thumb at the elevator and raised his right hand. He rapidly counted up to five with each of his fingers and when he was finished he turned and vanished once more.

One, two, three, four, five. Perhaps he meant the fifth floor?


floating_bamboo November 4 2010, 14:52:47 UTC
"Kazahana, wait!"

Koi hurried after the medic, his mind going a mile a minute. That was the boy he had turned into. The boy in his first memory. The boy he'd thought was his son.

...and he was playing some kind of game that made cold shivers wander up the white-haired man's spine. Something was going on, and this man obviously wanted them to follow.

Was that a good idea?

It was not like he could turn back now, rushing after Kazahana with a hand on his sword's hilt. Ever since his last memory, it had stayed in its sealed form; a single blade, not two. Catching up with the small woman at th elevator, he gave her a concerned look.

"Was this what happened last time?"


snowburned November 4 2010, 20:21:08 UTC
Kazahana slowed down enough for Koi to catch up with her, but she didn't stop. She didn't even consider it, the same as she hadn't considered whether to go after him or not. It was as if her body knew what had to be done and instinct took over.

It had been a year and a half since her death, but she still remembered. His sneering face would always be vivid in her mind.

At the bridge, she stopped for an instant before charging across. That man wasn't fleeing; he was leading them...

It wasn't until they both reached the elevator that she looked at Koi, her face deadly serious. "No," she said. "I received a note asking me to go to the aquarium. It wasn't like this." She shook her head. "Someone's playing with us."


npc_kun November 4 2010, 20:50:06 UTC
The elevator dinged and opened slowly. Had someone called it? Perhaps but there was no one inside. It was just open, waiting for occupants to step in.


floating_bamboo November 4 2010, 22:00:08 UTC
"He's not playing, Kazahana. This is most likely a trap."

Koi watched the elevator doors open and narrowed his eyes slightly. It was calling to them, edging them on. But for what reason? Turning his gaze to his friend, he considered the dangers for a moment and then nodded.

"You will go anyway, won't you?"

It was not really a question. Kazahana might want revenge, and if she was going after this man, then Koi would come with her. He wanted some answers as well... and he needed to know who this man was. His enemy or his child?


snowburned November 4 2010, 22:19:54 UTC
She was quiet for a long moment before answering. "If you don't want me to, I won't. The last time-I knew what could happen, and I had time to prepare. But this..."

She shook her head. How could she work for months to find answers, not just for herself but for everyone, and then walk away from this? But how could she just walk forward, essentially forcing Koi to come with her? He'd never let her go alone. She knew that for certain.

"We don't have to follow him," she said. "Maybe that would be the smart thing to do. But whoever that is, he let us see him for a reason. I want to know what it is."


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