Characters: Iris (NPC) and Aang/Arrow (
Date/Time: Sometime on Aug 7
Location: The Hall of Beginnings
Rating: PG
Summary: Arrow arrives in Edensphere, and someone is here to greet him.
Her shifts had been rather awkward and boring for the longest time--perhaps it had been months since she'd last guided anyone hatching. Because of this, it was natural that she was slipping back into the shell of the quiet girl she had been originally. Sitting at the table in the midst of the room, she felt herself fidgeting and shifting nervously every time she heard a cocoon move even the slightest.
She blinked at the table in front of her, relieved that they still kept to her suggestion of stocking up towels in The Hall of Beginnings after all this time.
Hearing the relatively unfamiliar sound of the cocoon breaking, she snapped upward and accidentally knocked her chair over, which served to shock her out of her wits even more. Looking in the direction of the hatching, she knelt down and righted the chair before nervously collecting the usual provisions--a towel, paper map of Edensphere, pouch of coins, paper journal, and a set of clothing. Her hands were shaking as she clutched the awkward collection to her chest before slowly making her way closer to the hatching sound.
It'd been a while since she'd done this... Iris hoped that she wouldn't mess anything up.