Characters: Open
Date/Time: 6/14-6/19
Location: Everywhere
Rating: Varied
Summary: Edensphere needs a hero. Or several.
[This is a general open log for the Damsels in Distress event. Threads can be done in quick or standard log format, as you prefer. You might also want to mark the place and approximate time in the subject of your comment, for
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After hopping around on one foot in a manner that was painfully embarrassing, Ambassador realized his hair was long too. Much longer than it should be, to the point that it was no longer standing up. It was a very long ponytail, much like what his vague memories told him females should have.
To his growing horror, he realized he was also in distinctly feminine dress. Literally. His anger had blinded him to the fact that he was in skirts. Skirts! Of all things!
All in all, Ambassador was trapped and not happy in the least.
The distant sounds of angry yelling interrupted Fred's musing. She glanced in the direction it came from, spotting a tower that certainly hadn't been there yesterday.
It took her only a minute to walk to the base of the tower. She shielded her eyes with one hand as she looked up to where she could barely see a window at the top of the tower. Fred was a little baffled as to what was going on here, but it was probably something the Tree was doing... in any case, she should probably find out who it was that was yelling, and if she could help them. "Hello? Can you hear me up there?"
Looking down as someone yelled up, Ambassador nodded. "Yes! Yes, I can hear you! Can you hear me? Can you get me out of this? I want out." After a noticeable pause, he added, "Please!" Manners were important when you wanted someone to do something for you. Though he wasn't sure what one person could do. It was a tower.
At least he could offer what resources they had. "I am stuck in the tower with nothing! Except skirts! And stupidly long hair!" Not much.
"You have no rope? A ladder, perhaps? Anything you could throw out the window that would allow me to climb up, or you climb down?" Fred felt almost compelled to make sure he had checked for something like that, because she could see no other way to get up there. Neither Youth nor Bell had ever managed to teach her how to do the wall-walking trick, after all.
He leaned out the window, looking down. "I do not suppose you have a giant mat? Not that I would like to jump anyway. It is far too risky for me to like that idea."
"No, I don't have anything of the sort, and it's a bit far for you to jump without risking injury to yourself." She blew out her cheeks, thoughtfully. She had an inkling of an idea, perhaps a stupid one... well, why not. She rummaged around in her pockets quickly while she called up to him again, "This is going to sound a bit odd, but just how long is your hair?"
"How long?" Ambassador looked at his hair. "Stupidly long. Longer than long! Longest! Here, you want to see? I will show you." He spent a good few minutes searching for the end of the length before dropping it out the window, letting it dangle down. It almost reached the base of the tower.
"Scissors. Or a knife. I would even go for a torch, hm? The smell, it will be awful, but I could cut it off then. Anything, to get out of here." Almost anything.
A few minutes later she was back, barely out of breath, with her new pair of scissors wrapped in paper and tucked under one arm. "You said there was a hook at the top, correct? Can you, I don't know, wrap the top of your hair round it? I have an idea I want to try." She didn't want to cause him pain, or worse, pull his hair out by the roots.
"Yes. I can." After a bit of difficulty handling the hair, he had it loped over the hook and dangling down. "That is done."
If he said it didn't, the next step was using the hair as a sort of rope. Fred would think she was being quite clever with this idea, if not for that nagging feeling that she had seen this done before... well, as long as it worked.
This seemed... strange. Like a reflection of a reflection, blurry and slightly familiar. Ambassador didn't much care, though, no matter how rare slight familiarity was. He could figure it out later. Right now he just wanted out.
She was a rather good climber, which surprised her a bit; she was at the top a few minutes later and pulling herself through the window, puffing a little from the unusual exertion. "Ah, hello... *phew*, that was a bit of a climb and no mistake. Let me see... my name is Fred, not that this is the best way to meet someone, really. Goodness, Edensphere spares no effort in setting up it's little... excitements."
She retrieved the scissors from her belt. "I think perhaps if we cut off the hair, we could tie it off and use it to climb down again. What say you?"
"Hello. Yes, I would imagine it would be. Fred, hm? You do not look like a Fred. Myself, I am Abamssador. And no. No, it is not the best way to meet someone, but I have not yet found circumstances here that are the best, so we must make do with what is thrown in our laps, no? Or when we are thrown in towers, as the case may be?"
The suggestion was practical. He was just worried about the scissors coming near his hair. "Not all of it, I hope, my dear girl. It is important to leave me with some. Ten inches. This is important." He couldn't say why, but he'd arrived with his hair that long, and it seemed... right.
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