*spams you all forever*
Characters: Target/Riza (
letmefollow), Kagerou/Orihime (
weaver_girl) and Lea/Axel (
seeya_next_life), with Black Hayate as a special guest star
Date/Time: May 7th, early afternoon
Location: Section 4, upper outskirts
Rating: PG-13 for cruelty to giant ants and some blood.
Summary: Target is looking for her errant dog. Kagerou is making the last call for stragglers in Section Four. Then SUDDENLY GIANT ANTS.
The warning for the scout ant sightings had gone out, so it was past time to get everyone down to the safety of the Wilderness. Section Four was curiously empty by now, doors locked and shutters closed, most of the people and their necessary supplies down and away. Kagerou sighed, fixed her ponytail--her hair had the most uncanny ability to slip free of ties--and glanced around. She could see the Guard on a nearby branch walkway; he was standing at watchful ease. There was nothing close by, then.
She was about to turn and head back to the elevator, satisfied that someone had knocked on every door in this area. She didn't particularly want to be up here, but they'd been short a hand and she hadn't been quite too tired yet.
An excited bark sounded from somewhere to her left. A flurry of black and creamy white darted past her towards the main trunk of the tree, vanishing behind a curve of the walkway.
A dog? Many people here had pets, but she would have thought they'd have been taken along. Unless this one had strayed away from his owner. She turned to peer after the animal. It wouldn't do to leave anyone, on two legs or four, here to be found by the ants! She supposed their mercies would be anything but tender, after all.