esoteric-rose &
enchainementDate/Time: Sometime on March 9th
Location: Juliet's shop!
Rating: PG
Summary: Qǐ really really dislikes the newborn clothes (also they are much too thin for someone who is only wearing shoes because the tree is making her). Juliet has offered to assist with this clothing predicament (and hopefully teach space-girl here something about physical money).
Somehow, some way, she'd managed ice skates from the residential section, to the elevator, on the elevator, through the people on the access point, the bridge to Wellspring, and onward through Wellspring to Bazaar, Ltd. There were so many people, it was nearly deafening.
Anyone else probably would have been able to tune them all out just by focusing on staying upright in the stakes but Qǐ found that she didn't really have to focus on that. If she wanted to stay up, she stayed up. Moving was easy. Balancing was easy.
All she had to do was look around at any give moment to see that the ease of movements was anything but common.
Still, she was a girl on a mission. A mission to get out of these frighteningly pale, thin clothes and into something else. Something warmer, she had promised Simon (or perhaps merely meant to? It didn't matter, really, he'd be happier if she wore warmer clothes) and something brighter, she promised herself. Or maybe darker, like the night sky. She wasn't sure really. She'd just have to see.
The moment she stepped foot in the Bazaar the ice skates were gone, replaced with her own bare feet. She picked and skipped and twirled her way through the stalls before she found the one marked with hand-drawn stars in her journal.