It's good to be alive / when we're who we are

Mar 01, 2010 00:49

Characters: Sparkle/Teddie* (bearsona4)
Date/Time: Sparkle's hiatus starting from Jan. 28th, ending the evening of Feb. 28th
Location: The Wilderness
Rating: PG
Summary: Sparkle doesn't realize it, but he's the last person to see Grace before her disappearance from Edensphere and is left with her journal in his care.

Had Sparkle any recollection of his past life, he might have realized that wandering around unaccompanied in unfamiliar areas was generally a bad idea when one had no means of defense. As it was, Sparkle was just fulfilling his natural curiosity for looking at every shiny nook and cranny in Edensphere. This eventually got him stuck in the Wilderness.

It was all fire and rock when he first got lost, though he didn't realize he was lost. Soon it shifted to a place that Sparkle really liked - sands, lagoons, trees, all very beautiful. It was fun to just run around there when he was stuck as a little cub-bear, but it was even more fun when he was shrunk to the size of a pencil and had wings to fly around with! However, it soon shifted to a much darker jungle place that sort of scared Sparkle. He managed to evade the creatures long enough to figure out how beautiful the night was, and that was why he stuck around. It didn't last long, because it soon turned into a kind of fun-park complete with a game that Sparkle didn't quite understand, but enjoyed all the same. When it changed back to the jungle, Sparkle started worrying and trying to get out. He actually lost his journal while running away before he had a chance to ask for help.

One day Sparkle caught a familiar scent - someone from the Bazaar and very clean-smelling, very different from everything else in the jungle. But if there was someone else running around, maybe they could help him find his way out of this place. He waddled in the direction of the scent before finally running right into it - or rather, her. He flailed on his back for a moment before rocking to one side and standing up.

The woman spun around, a dagger in each hand, ready to face an attacker as her long braid landed against her back. She stared at Sparkle for a moment, blinking a few times. "You are unlike the other creatures in this wilderness."

Even behind the goggles she was wearing and the strange freckles on her face, Sparkle recognized her voice coupled with her scent and smiled broadly. "Hi! I visited your store once - I like sparkles. And my name is Sparkle too!" He chuckled a little bit, embarrassed. "I got lost, and I dropped my journal when I was running, and I'd be very, very happy to help you out at your store if you can help me find my way out of here!"

It took a moment, but Grace recovered from her shock at seeing the bear - now complete with strange freckles under each of his wide eyes. "I seem to recall you now. I am called Grace, and it is not my store, though I do work there." She took out her journal and quickly scribbled a note on the back of the cover, alongside a number of other notes. "Let us be off."

Sparkle dutifully followed behind her as they walked through the underbrush, his suit's legs squeaking.

After a little while Grace turned to face Sparkle. "Can you not be any quieter?"

Sparkle looked down at his legs, then frowned up at her. "I don't think so."

She looked like she wanted to say something, but then just turned back around to continue walking.

Finally the brush gave way to a clearing and the elevator. Sparkle was so excited that he whooped for joy and did a little dance before turning around to smile at Grace.

She had her journal held out to him. "Take it and inform your friends that you are safe."

"Yes, ma'am!" Sparkle replied cheerfully. He used her pen to start writing. Hello everyone! It's Sparkle and I'm... He wanted to thank the nice lady before he forgot, so he looked up to where she'd been standing in front of him, but she was nowhere in sight. He spun for a moment trying to locate her with no luck. He looked down at her journal, having accidentally shut it to the back cover - where she'd written something earlier. It was underlined: 'Recommend a position for Sparkle.'

He sniffled a little, touched by the gesture. He clutched the book against his chest tightly, determined to return the journal to the nice Grace lady when he saw her next at the store where she worked. He opened to the page he'd started writing on, but the pen had stopped working, or so he thought. At any rate he wasn't able to finish writing and decided that he owed Grace a new pen as well.

He called the elevator and stepped inside, blissfully unaware of how Grace's disappearance might affect the Sphere.

OOC: Janelle (Grace's player) helped write this log. ;_;

~original: aideen (grace), ~persona 4: teddie (sparkle)*

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