Characters: Trigger; Open
Date/Time: 1/19; All Day
Location: The Wilderness--different vantage points. He's pretty much anywhere high and difficult to access
Rating: R! V for Violence
Summary: Trigger's a bit too antsy about the wilderness, doing unnecessary exploration. Exploration and sniping beasties. Mostly the latter.
Fake Arms; )
"Tcch. Naturally. You better duck, you fool--" Trigger opened his right hand, his left bringing up his bow. In his right hand formed a black, twisted sword from a number of yellow and red wires. The wires flashed and formed the blade itself, which he drew into the string of his bow.
"I am the bone of my sword," He spoke up, magical energy surging into his left arm. The verse itself hurt to utter--his left arm flaring. More blades pulsed out from below his skin--the percentage rate of failure forcing the sword to crack. Strengthening it, he repaired the damage without hesitation. No good. Firing it that way was going to do damage no matter what. The string released as he charged the sword with everything he could put into it without it shattering. He didn't know what to call the sword--nor did he know what the technique was. This, though--
Was a missile. The bright red bolt speared through the air, right past Lin, arcing before it exploded on contact with the front of the hunting party. He released his breath, feeling sweat touch his brow. There was nothing enjoyable about ripping one's own arm open for a well-placed shot.
Then, all of a sudden, he was turning to her and-- was he aiming at her? Before she knew it he had fired a red missile, but... She wasn't close to its path anymore. All of a sudden, she found herself several feet from there.
What had he just done? What had she just done?!
"What are you doing?! Did you want to kill me?!"
"Don't yell! Before they reorganize themselves--get down!" Trigger yelled at her through clenched teeth, sliding his hand up once more. two arrows manifested into his palm, sliding out of his body through those thin wires in a flash.
But there was no time to chatter, having turned around she noticed too the weird creatures he had been aiming to. She regretted not having a sword, and yet didn't feel the situation was extremely dangerous. Nothing she couldn't handle.
"What were you saying about yelling?"
Who would look more surprised at dodging a strike than the strike being near them to begin with?
"If they make it particularly far, they'll begin making camps," He spoke methodically, as if this were a course of action he was preparing. "Kill their scouts before they kill wanderers. Kill their soldiers before they realize their scouts are dead." He fired the arrow, hardly waiting to see if it struck its target, far down the crags. Though, as always, it struck the beast between the eyes.
"Or just get out of here without killing anyone and stop wasting time." But... The exit was... Where?
He didn't know why he wanted to be a hero. Was it so natural to him that he use the means necessary at his disposal to become one? Maybe. Since it was his body being brought out into the open air--he was firing a piece of himself every time he tried to kill one of them.
Trigger didn't care what it was he could use. This seemed natural to him. He'd use it--and, he'd protect whoever was in his scope from the monsters that wanted to kill them. That was all.
"It's not a waste of time... Unless you missed what those things have been trying to do to travelers."
She looked at him in the face, trying to understand what was going through his head, but... Easier said than done.
"Who cares about travelers? I'm getting out of here." That said, she started walking-- she didn't know towards where, but was sure that standing still wasn't going to help her find the exit.
"But, it looks like you wouldn't know the right direction even with a map," He began, raising his bow once more. His hand formed a different kind of arrow--one with a spiral tip. Notching it quietly, he pointed it straight above himself.
"Because, you were following me awhile, you seemed to have lost your point of origin."
"I can find it." She didn't know how she could be so sure of it. She just was. Closing her eyes, she tried to focus-- she had started doing this sometimes, at night when she couldn't sleep or when she had nothing to do. Closing her eyes and being able to tell where Bastet was. There were other people she could feel too, but she hardly cared. Bastet's energy was fierce, and strong, and even when she kept it down Lin was still able to find it.
"That way." She declared suddenly.
It was doubtful, but even if he were going crazy and she were merely guessing, it was worth asking. Notching the bow once more, Trigger pointed his bow towards the open plain.
"Are you sure? If it's just a guess, I'll be very cross."
"Let's go." She did not wait for him.
"If you can find the exit, then I'll watch the path ahead of you." Not that he had to be in to work any time soon and he didn't often sleep to begin with. "Also, try not to give me orders so freely."
And giving orders, well. That just came natural to her. "Stubborn fool." That was all she needed to say before taking advantage of the distraction and walk towards the exit.
"Walk with your head low."
"What? Changed your mind?" Lin couldn't help but think maybe he didn't want to be left there alone, after all. Was he scared, suddenly? Had be been only a bluff?
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