Characters: Bastet
felinemystique and Toushi
pimpcoatbankai with the possibility of special guest appearances.
Date/Time: 01/12 at some point
Location: The Bazaar
Rating: PG
Summary: Recognition, breast related assault, advice on using swords and maybe stalker abuse.
Toushi had got used to the weight of his sword on his back, but even though it was becoming a familiar fixture to him, he still had no idea how to actually use the thing properly. Since his fight with the wolf just after his arrival, he hadn't heard the tall man's voice at all, and was beginning to think that perhaps he had imagined it. From what Kazahana and Koi had told him about the nature of their swords so, he couldn't rule out the possibility that the tall voice and his sword were connected somehow.
So he needed to find someone who could help him with that.
And apparently, that person was Bastet.
He had already been intending to meet her after reading the threats that the psychotic new person with all their memories had been making, but he just hadn't worked out the right way to do that. As he took some exercise walking through the Bazaar that afternoon, he was trying to think up a way of asking for this woman's help.