I'm a Firestarter, Twisted Firestarter...

Oct 25, 2009 20:45

Characters: OPEN
Date/Time: After the fire, Sunday afternoon onwards.
Location: Temporary Housing
Rating: TBA
Summary: Temporary housing has been opened for survivors who are not in need of medical care but whose homes have been destroyed. So if you just want to have your characters chill/argue/angst/be stoic about what has happened, feel free to ( Read more... )

original: thomas (grift), ~x/1999: kamui (stigmata), npc: ?, ~original: aideen (grace), ~ff7: sephiroth (eternity), ~gundam 00: tieria (aurora), ff4: cecil (paladin)

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OPEN resurrectedgod October 27 2009, 18:27:31 UTC
[I promise he won't bite or kill anyone, so don't be afraid! I'd just like him to meet people; ICly he's not good at initiating small talk, though. OTZ]

While others busied themselves by finding and treating survivors in the aftermath, Eternity went into hiding and planned to return to Paladin's house to see whether or not it'd survived. Before he could head to the Access Point for the elevator, he noted that the Marketplace Island's position seemed to have changed and wasted no time to check against his map for reference.

It was completely different. There were different islands, names, shapes, positions. Even the way the map was drawn and colored had changed. Eternity made sure to stay out of the way, ducking beneath charred branches from the main Majestic Oak tree. He had other business to attend to beside the residents' rescue and relief efforts. It took little time for him to compare whatever islands he saw in the distance to their positions on his map before deciding on a route back to the Access Point. Then he made a dash to the elevator; whenever others spotted him and requested his assistance, he indicated that he was already on his way toward helping others.

Instead, he made his way through the residences until he reached Paladin's house in Section 3. Alas, it wasn't much of a house anymore; what remained was mostly piles of ashes or pieces of giant charred branches that might've crushed it inward. He went through the remnants as if checking for survivors until he saw an unusual but familiar shine peeking through--it was the memory crystal. The man pocketed it before heading to temporary housing. He'd managed to make himself messy enough to feign assistance in relief efforts -as he looked quite capable of helping, at least- and was assigned a room to stay in.


chaostorm October 28 2009, 01:29:38 UTC
The rooms were dense. Grace's hair had been sufficiently ruined, her clothes torn and slightly burnt as she had searched for survivors. The girl was in no mood to arrive at the temporary housing, only to be told she would not receive her own room and as she entered, found a man. This was not to be tolerated.

She tossed her things down on the lower bunk. "I refused to be quartered with a man. It is not to be borne. In fact, I believe after such efforts put forth with the relief that this is a slap in the face, a true insult!" She wasn't furious enough, yet, to try releasing her acid again. Her face didn't go red as might have been expected, but as she turned to look at her forced roommate, she was mightily displeased.

A man. Of all things! It was her worst nightmare. A day of effort -she had even been forced to move large beams! Her! It had been that or offered a ride off the edge of the island by one impatient overseer.- she was in no mood to deal with such indecency. "I demand you vacate this room, sir."

At least his hair was well-cared for.


resurrectedgod October 28 2009, 03:30:20 UTC
"..." Eternity wasn't exactly sure of how to respond; actually, he didn't quite understand what the big deal was. Regardless of what kind of effort she'd put in that day, it would do her well enough that she'd even have a bed to sleep in at all. Ingrate, he thought. It was a wonder that such a conceited woman even survived that fire--had she been misplaced in a suit? Because in that case, the righteous judgment and hellfire was not over...

There would always be another opportunity later. In the meanwhile, however, there was a young lady who needed dealing with.


He wasn't going to leave--no, he got there first. She had no right to tell him what to do. Eternity felt slightly indignant, and the piercing background noise in his mind suddenly became more prominent again. He felt ready to move or strike but somehow managed to refrain from doing so and settled for remaining cool and unaffected.

That's right. Eternity could bide his time some more.


godsmajesty October 28 2009, 23:34:49 UTC
Obviously he had gotten more than he bargained for. There were two people arguing, and he knew both. Not very well, but he still knew how to deal with both, in sense. He was in trouble though, because he had no idea how to deal with both at the same time.

Especially when they looked like they were about to let that argument escalate into a fight.

Stigmata jumped in immediately, getting in between them, positioning his body to keep his sister out of harm's way. He looked at her over his shoulder, and at Eternity with a stern look. "I get that we don't have a lot here, right now, but you don't have to fight over a thing like that. We're all having problems here.

Eternity... I'm sorry, but if you hurt my sister I wont be happy. And Grace... you can take mine if you really want a room to yourself."

Hopefully these two weren't idiots. He was nursing a mild headache and a few other hidden injuries after all.


chaostorm October 29 2009, 10:37:57 UTC
No. The declaration of resistance struck her as hard as a slap across the face. "By the gods," She muttered. "I asked politely as I could-" She wanted to continue, but then Stigmata was between them demanding they not fight. She took a step away, bumping into the bed. "I had no intentions of starting a fight. Perhaps the kind gentleman would have." She gave Eternity a pointed look around Stigmata.

"I thank you for the courtesy, Stigmata, but before I leave, this man must be made aware of his rudeness." Because she was a lady and therefore, he should be at her beck and call. She was tired, grumpy, and all around not in the mood to deal with someone so infuriating. Her fire burned dangerously at her fingertips. She was tempted to let it go and purposefully miss the man, but she thought better; it was wildly uncontrollable and Stigmata was between them.

She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. "Now, sir, I believe at the very least, you should regard my brother with the same respect you should have shown me."


resurrectedgod October 29 2009, 12:29:23 UTC
If anyone knew the kind of monster he was, one might've applauded the man for restraining himself so well. That girl knew how to tax one's patience. A boy Stigmata had stepped in, calling her 'Grace'; the name hardly seemed fitting. Eternity somehow fought down the urge to smirk menacingly and settled for an unmoved expression and, "..."

More than worrying about siblings caring for each other, he felt there was little point in causing trouble at a time like this. Tensions were high, and it'd be too easy to find him if anything happened. As much as destruction would make him feel better, Eternity would settle for retreat... for now.

He'd have simply replied to Stigmata that he understood, but the girl Grace seemed persistent in whatever point she attempted to make. Eternity blinked, liquid-green eyes watching the girl with little interest. Inwardly, he was a twinge annoyed and even confused to some extent; he had no intention of expressing or revealing this.

"Very well."

He somehow managed effort into the reply and made it sound compliant enough. So he hoped, at least.


godsmajesty October 30 2009, 08:44:54 UTC
"... Thanks. both of you."

Stigmata rubbed a hand on his temples. Making sure everything was going smoothly was very taxing indeed, especially with these two hotheaded people. He knew he was right though. There was no point in getting into a fight over virtually nothing.

He had felt his sister's energy crackling behind him though, and was momentarily afraid she wouldn't listen to him. He had even begun to prepare a plan to stop that- or at least try to make a plan to attempt to stop it. He was aware he has... abilities that were more than just "normal", but then again, as "the Evil Overlord" had said to him before, "normal" was nothing here anymore. So, yes, he had these "powers"- his only problem was that he had no way of harnessing them right now, having little to no knowledge. They had just... happened.

He nodded to Eternity, and patted Grace's shoulder, attempting to motivate her into moving. Better to get out of here as soon as possible. "C'mon, Grace. I'll take you to the room."


chaostorm October 31 2009, 22:31:58 UTC
She wasn't convinced. Not at all. He was far too rude, too far from the ideal gentleman she thought would accompany the face, that she did not trust him to keep to his word. Stigmata had cared for himself following their birth; surely he could handle temporarily sharing spaces with Eternity. But it didn't stop her from wondering if the man would try to steal someone else's chance at sleep.

Grace frowned as she was gently prodded into moving. Had it been anyone but Stigmata, there would have been a scathing glare. Instead, he suffered a mild brush as she turned to collect her things from the bed.

She sniffed as she paused at the doorway. "There is no need to thank such a rude person. A wonder he should have been granted something as valuable as refuge." She gave Stigmata a nod. "I would be grateful if you did post-haste."


After the thread with Storm earth_uninstall October 28 2009, 02:12:47 UTC
To say Edensphere was short staffed was a great understatement. Aurora couldn't help but be mildly impressed by the swiftness Justice had shown in organizing Housekeeping, letting the other branches handle their own duties while he served his. Considering the number of survivors (more than Aurora would have expected, and only a scant handful the ones he'd wished had survived), it was a small miracle that temporary housing had remained as untouched as it had.

That didn't mean there was enough room to go around, nor enough hands to assist. With skills valuable to both his job with Housekeeping and as a volunteer in the clinic, Aurora found himself more than willing to take tasks from both, running whatever errand was needed of him. At least he could find a use for not being entirely human; suppressing his need for rest and his enhanced endurance were increasing his efficiency tremendously.

The stack of neatly folded blankets he carried came up almost to his nose and were obviously not new; set in stains and the occasional burn, some of them with patches that looked old and sun bleached. A number had tiny mends in them, but they were clean and functional. It was the best they could manage, scrounging through every cupboard to find enough supplies.

"Who here requested blankets? Only one per person." He announced to the general area, his stern gaze promising that if anyone dared take more than their share, they would have greater worries than being comfortable at night.


bawwww I failtag kinda sorta OTZ resurrectedgod October 28 2009, 20:47:09 UTC
Those in the vicinity practically rushed the assistant to request a blanket; some requested two and added an explanation of how a roommate or two were incapacitated in some way or other. Temporary housing was crowded enough as it was, but it became even more so with residents causing a commotion for blankets.

Then of course, there were people who thought it a brilliant idea to hit on Aurora at a time like this.

Eternity didn't really need a blanket, but why turn down an available luxury? It was the same pragmatic thinking that led him to accept Paladin's offer. Despite minor inconveniences, Eternity's life in Edensphere had been incredibly accommodating for the most part. So he decided to approach but not quite beeline over. However, he did push past and ignore others around him to eventually reach the front.

"I need one."


*holds* The ambient NPCs amused me XD earth_uninstall October 29 2009, 06:54:15 UTC
Aurora grew increasingly annoyed with the residents as they lined up, the ones obviously trying to hoard blankets getting a thorough dressing down. And worst yet, it took a few angry lectures on conserving supplies before they seemed to get the hint, finally getting into something that looked almost like a proper line in the loosest definition of the word.

The compliments followed afterward. Were they trying to win his favor in order to received special benefits? It baffled him and he only responded curtly, hoping to send them on their way quickly so he return to his duties. The one that dared to tough him would have gotten a broken wrist had Medical not been so busy, and Aurora told him to be thankful he only left it sprained.

As if he would've believe there had just been 'some dirt on his behind.'

"I need one."

The stack had dwindled enough that he could hold them with one hand, using his free one to grab the topmost blanket and hand it over. His first impression of the new face was that he was an experienced fighter. It was the way he moved and held himself, and Aurora looked him over skeptically.

"Do not complain if it is not long enough. You will take what you are given."


YAY! ^^;;; I tried... resurrectedgod October 30 2009, 13:46:28 UTC
Eternity had decided that other people, in general, were strange. They persisted in uproarious behaviors even after facing a sobering catastrophe. In his mind, it was the kind of punishing devastation that should snap them into reality to reconsider the way they conducted themselves. Though having dealt with someone like Grace for even a short moment and in observing the scene unfolding before him now, Eternity decided that they still hadn't learned anything at all.

He somehow managed to suppress the rage racing through him, settling to keep it under control and reminding himself that the time would come eventually rather than immediately. Given the right circumstances, he could very well bide his time. Perhaps they were lucky that something already happened, even though it didn't quite bring the message across as strongly as Eternity would have liked. Then again, the downside was that death and destruction (especially by fire) were so familiar that they increased his desire to execute his own justice over everyone else.

The assistant looked him over; in turn, Eternity also examined him. He seemed militant enough, and Eternity had a feeling the person knew he was more than capable of helping in their woefully understaffed efforts. He wasn't sure the assistant would say anything about it yet, but that wasn't going to stop him from taking the blanket.

"Understood," he replied with a nod.


*gold star* earth_uninstall October 31 2009, 21:59:23 UTC
"Are you aware that there is a need for volunteers?" Aurora asked as the man took his blanket, though it was rather rhetorical; the idea that anyone could be that ignorant to the plight of Edensphere was beyond even his comprehension. He was merely trying to make a point and perhaps guilt the man into helping, if his chastising glare was anything to go by.

"You're obviously an able person. If you don't have any sort of specialized skills, help with construction." It bordered on being an order, and would have been had Aurora the rank. If he hadn't wasted so much time berating the people who'd approached first, he could have gotten in a proper lecture.

A pity, that.


<3 resurrectedgod November 1 2009, 01:44:34 UTC
Eternity blinked and faced Aurora's glare head-on as he was hardly intimidated by anyone else at all. Honestly he didn't feel the least bit guilty, and as far as he was concerned, other residents of Edensphere didn't really deserve his help either. Moreover, he was still feeling irritated from dealing with Grace earlier, but Stigmata had quickly stepped in and switched rooms with her.

There was absolutely no reason for anyone to tell him what to do and when. No, that was for Eternity himself to decide and no one else.

"I am aware, and I have assisted as well." Okay, it wasn't entirely a lie except for the part where it really was, but he figured it was safe to assume that not all volunteers and assistants had met each other before. It potentially could've been believable since he didn't have the opportunity to really clean himself up since arriving in temporary housing.


Eternity stop being a hobo :< earth_uninstall November 1 2009, 04:46:31 UTC
Well, that was unusual behavior. Usually his stern approach was met with anger or fear, even by those who knew him, and Aurora wouldn't have expected a stranger to act so nonchalantly. Either his way of approaching others was improving (doubtful, considering he'd done nothing to hold back his displeasure) or this person was more stoic than he thought.

"Have you." He had no reason to doubt the lie, though Aurora did wonder how much this man had actually contributed. From the look of things, it was not enough to please his sense of duty. "Then continue with your work. You still have endurance left."


--WHUT... NO. ^^;;; LOL. resurrectedgod November 2 2009, 13:35:44 UTC
Such an attitude. It wasn't quite the same as Grace's but still had Eternity inwardly seething. He managed to fight it down--he could be patient if he really wanted to be, and this was one of those cases since he knew it'd be completely pointless to get into an altercation at this point in time. It wouldn't be much better should he displace his frustrations either.

"I've already made arrangements to swap with another volunteer once he arrives here," he replied. "It would do well to have able workers on standby to refresh the current ones once they have exhausted their efforts."

It was the closest thing he could think of without outright refusing, but he wasn't going to accept orders from anyone.


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