I'm gonna have a drink and walk around

Oct 06, 2009 17:43

Characters: Spirit (feyandco), Smoke (inthecenterfold), and Grift (grinninggrifter)
Date/Time: October 6th in the evening
Location: Smoke's bar
Rating: PG-13 maybe?
Summary: Spirit heads over to Smoke's bar for some drinks and company

Spirit pushed open the door to the bar and stepped inside, taking in the atmosphere with curiosity and enjoyment. It felt like it had been years since she'd gotten out for an evening! A nasty battle with the flu had left her bedridden for days; she'd spent yet more days going through the motions at work in a haze before going home and collapsing in bed. She hadn't so much as glanced at her journal in more than a week, or ventured out except to stock up on food and painkillers once or twice. She felt extremely out of the loop, but rather than turn to her journal to catch up, she'd decided she wanted to head out and see people face to face.

That goal had brought her here, a place she'd been meaning to visit at some point. Nothing wrong with spending a little of one's hard-earned money on some good drinks. Hopefully there'd be some good company to share them with too.

She went to the bar and leaned against the counter, smiling, waiting for the bartender to take notice of her.

original: thomas (grift), saiyuki: sha gojyo (smoke), ~ace attorney: mia (spirit)

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