Characters: Fugue (
fugue_angel), Peron/Shoanji (
all_ur_forks), and Flonne/Love (
Date/Time: Morning, Sep 19, 2009
Location: The Hall of Beginnings
Rating: Usual ratings for nudity and... uhh... non-humans?
Summary: New blood arrives in Edensphere, and Fugue is there to greet them.
It'd been a while since the greeter was out doing his job, but he'd been rather busy skulking around looking for the exile, who probably had a hand in that tabloid incident about a month ago. HOW DARE! Beyond searching, there were also good reasons to hide--desks rushing out to attack people or taking buildings and homes under siege. The Wilderness had taken on some perturbing forms, and Fugue had decided that it was altogether safer to stay inside.
He was in a good mood today and opted to wear his black robes and cloak. However, he'd ditched the beard and kept the hood down, differentiating it from the old man disguise in this fashion. The man glanced over the provisions, noting that everything was in place while tapping his foot in wait. Tap.... tap.... tap.... It was like the ticking of a timeless old clock with a perfect rhythm. Time and again he heard the wriggling of cocoons but was inevitably disappointed when they didn't open.
Finally, he heard the crumbling and breaking sound, followed by a gross sloshing noise that meant someone or something was hatching. How many were there? he wondered, deciding to bring with him two or three bundles as a just in case. Fugue scoured the sea of misshapen cocoons, searching for where the newborns lay.