A Trip Down Memory Lane

Sep 06, 2009 06:05

Characters: Doll
Date/Time: Err... Starting three weeks prior, spanning to the afternoon of September 6th
Location: Fourth Floor/Halloweentown Graveyard
Rating: Boring and G. Unless tombstones give you the heebie-jeebies.
Summary: Doll gets kidnapped by the elevator on her way to work. Three weeks ago.

Doll's tiny feet tread along the path within the branches, quickly ushering the woman along to the elevator, the doors of which opened wide as she approached. Hmm. It was almost like it knew someone was coming. ...Silly thought; she was late for work already. Stepping inside, the doors slid closed, and she felt the slight weightlessness of the lift starting it's trip further down the tree. ...Huh. It wasn't often she had the elevator to herself. Was there no one else headed down to work about now?

There was a slight jerk, and her fingers gripped unconsciously into the weave of her basket's handle. Was it her imagination, or was that stop a little rougher than usual? Had the trip been shorter? The doors slid open, and a dense mist poured in through the opening to curl around her ankles. "What..?" Careful, yet curious, she poked a head outside of her sheltered little space. The world outside was dark and foggy, and the dry air sent a chill along her stitches. The only light shone from a large moon, looming overhead. Most of the ground about was obscured by the low laying fog, which shone in fascinating ways as the moonlight hit it in patches.

The place outside this elevator was eerie, mysterious, creepy, and more than likely dangerous. ...But it was home.

A wondrous smile spread on Doll's lips as she stepped out into the moonlight, setting both feet firmly on rock and graveyard soil. Home! This was it! Why a creepy graveyard was home was irrelevant. The gratification of beholding the place once more was all that mattered for now. Those sorts of questions came later. She wound her way around a twisted and barren tree, one hand lovingly fingering the warped bark of it's trunk. Casting a glance back around the trunk in full, she let out a tiny gasp. ..Where had the elevator gone? ..Was she here for good, then?


The sound drew her attention to a stone edge jutting above the fog, atop which perched a fuzzy black silhouette. It's yellow eyes peered back at her. She tilted her head. "..Hello there." She made to close the distance between herself and the creature, but the cat stood, stretched, and hopped down from it's perch, making the fog skew and swirl. "Oh.. No, no, come back here.." She asked of it. She continued at a crouch, searching the fog for the dark little thing.

"Meow! Mrowmrowmrow.." The sounds echoed slightly off of gravestones, but gave the ragdoll enough clues to trail in the black cat's wake. Occasionally, she also caught a glimpse of it vaulting a gravestone, or running along a stretch of fence. Here and there, she paused to observe a gravestone, trying to trave fingers along erroded letters. She began to check each gravestone she passed. Not a one was remotely legible. This realization caused a pit to form in her stomach. What was she looking for? A familiar name? What good would a name on a tombstone be to her? A passed friend? Her doctor? ....Her own name? Oh, there was a terrifying thought, which she let pass quick.

She continued to follow as the cat led her, taking her on a full tour of the graveyard. Never beyond, which some part of her should have recognized, but didn't. After what felt like hours, she caught a flash of eyes close by. Brushing aside the fog, she finally came across the cat, sitting patiently in a patch of dead, thorny flowers. With a small laugh, she knelt to regard the creature, which hopped into her lap like a purring kitten. "Decide to play nice, now?" Still, a hand came up to stroke it's spine. She looked around, considering the flowers. She picked one up, carefully plucking it between thumb and forefinger to closely observe it. "...Hmm. Pretty." Humming a little tune to herself, she began to pluck the leaves from the flower, one by one.

Another mewl from the cat, and a shifting of weight, made her look up once more. The cat was gone from her lap, striding confidently towards the foreign object sitting nearby. The elevator? "...Guess it's time to go home." She paused, screwing up her face slightly. "Well, to my other home." She clarified, as if instructing the cat in her follies. She stood, then stooped to retrieve her basket. ...Another pause found her harvesting just a few more of the crisp flowers, to add to her things. ..Nothing wrong with a souvineer, right? That accomplished, she returned dutifully to the elevator, pausing one last time to regard the cat. "It was nice seeing you." It blinked back up at her dolefully. ...Would it miss her, when she left? For whatever reason, she hoped it would.

Once inside, the doors closed tight, cutting off the endless fog at last. Doll missed it as soon as it settled. There was the jerk of movement, and she was moving again. The ride was, once more, short. And what was more, the doors opened on the upper branches of the tree, rather than the floating islands. ...With a sigh, she decided maybe she should just write Iris that she would be staying home today. Being a few hours late for work wasn't a good start, and she felt.. Odd. Decided, she started back from whence she came, wholly unaware of the time that had slipped on by without her notice..

~nightmare before xmas: sally (doll)

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