
Aug 06, 2009 00:52

Characters: Doll deuxesmachina, Sailormoon pinkmoonrabbit, and the other Doll droppedastitch
Date/Time: August 6th, noon
Location: Marketplace, by the bridge.
Rating: G
Summary: Doll meets up with the girls who answered her journal to see if they fit the bill for someone to live with her in her new housing.

A doll, a doll, and a rabbit )

~ghost in the shell: motoko (doll), ~nightmare before xmas: sally (doll), sailor moon: chibiusa (sailormoon)

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pinkmoonrabbit August 6 2009, 05:45:28 UTC
Sailormoon realized she had no idea who to look for. Oh that was so frustrating. At least she somehow made it to the marketplace. She wandered for a moment, attempting not to get run over. She felt so incredibly short compared to everyone. The floor felt so odd on her bare feet. She wore just an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts.

Sailormoon carefully avoided most of the people but ended up bumping into someone. "I'm sorry!" She looked up. Purple hair. How pretty. "By chance do you know someone named Doll?"


-is the other Doll- XD droppedastitch August 6 2009, 16:08:59 UTC
"Oh no.." Doll scanned the crowd ahead of her. She'd forgotten to get any descriptions of who to keep an eye out for. All she knew of the other Doll was that she was robotic, yet believed she was human. Meaning she would most likely look human. As everyone here seemed to be human(with the exception of a cute little orange lizard she'd seen in passing once or twice), that wouldn't help her. The other girl she was to meet, Sailormoon, sounded young. Which was easier to spot, at least ( ... )


deuxesmachina August 7 2009, 18:22:34 UTC
Doll checked the watch that she had found in the scrapyard and clean up in the past month. The thing was growing on her. Whenever she looked at the time now, she ended up staring at it for longer than she originally meant to.

It was when someone bumped into her that she finally looked away from the delicate hands of the watch. She blinked at the little girl and smiled politely. "It's alright." But then she paused. "My name is Doll...but I think there are two Dolls."

That was when she looked over at the other individual approaching. She sort of looked like a rag doll? Were these the girls she needed to find?


pinkmoonrabbit August 8 2009, 02:49:48 UTC
The pink haired girl looked up at the other, then took a step back so she could see all of her. She grinned, "I hope you're the Doll I'm meeting! I'm Sailormoon!" She offered Doll a V-shape with her index and middle fingers of her right hand.

[ sorry, i haven't been able to comment all day. flippin' time-out errors >_< ]


droppedastitch August 8 2009, 04:21:10 UTC
The musical din that plagued the marketplace was enough, Doll noticed, to drown out her own personal soundtrack for the first time in two days. Or perhaps the volume had just turned down on her own song, out of a courtesy for the others. Either way, she was able to pick up the little girl's voice as she edged closer to her. Enough to hear the keywords: 'Doll' and 'Sailormoon'.

Still.. "Are you Doll?" She asked of the purple haired woman. Funny.. She didn't look like a robot at all. However did she know she was one?


sorry for being slow. >__< deuxesmachina August 10 2009, 00:28:17 UTC
Doll just looked down at Sailormoon with her eerie red eyes. Trying to decide what to make of the petite pink-haired girl. Doll wasn't the fairy tale princess type. Or the cute type. This would require some thought.

"I am. You must be Saliormoon?" She didn't do smiling, really.

The purple haired woman looked over at the new comer. "I am. Are you my "twin"?" This time she smirked. The woman really did look like a large rag doll. It was a little unnerving. There was a reason that Doll had named herself what she had...and the chilling scene from her dream replayed in her head at the thought. She tried to shake it off.

"Well, I'm glad we at least all managed to find each other. It's a start."


all good :D pinkmoonrabbit August 10 2009, 02:58:04 UTC
"I am!" Sailormoon grinned, her large reddish eyes staring back up at the purple-haired Doll. She smiled at the other person too. That must be another Doll? Sailormoon couldn't see her as a 'twin' persay, so maybe it was the name?


Totally. ^^ droppedastitch August 10 2009, 04:35:44 UTC
Doll let out a breath, relieved to have found both of the girls she'd been out to find in one go. The both of them seemed nice enough. Doll seemed a bit more.. Serious than she'd seemed over the journals. But she was open enough to offer her new home to strangers, right? And the very least, this Doll was a little more partial to children. For whatever reason, human children felt more familiar to her than the adults. And that was better than nothing. Besides, the little girl was awfully cute.

She returned her 'twin's smirk with a small, genuine smile. "I guess I am. It's nice to meet you both. ..Well, for real."


deuxesmachina August 10 2009, 23:20:05 UTC
Usually Doll's eyes were strange to people in the sphere. But this girl had the same colored eyes. It was a strange and probably pointless thing by which to be comforted, but Doll was for some reason. The logical part of herself told her she was being silly.


Doll tried to return the other Doll's smile. She did not know why yet, but she did not find smiling very easy. "Same here." Doll looked around the marketplace. "Do you girls have an idea for lunch? I don't come here that often...I guess we could just look around."


pinkmoonrabbit August 10 2009, 23:37:01 UTC
"Something sweet!" Sailormoon spoke up quickly. She'd wanted something sweet since she got here and the Temp Housing cafeteria was terrible. She reasoned that eating dirt was much tastier than the stuff there. Blech! Getting whatever she could was an absolute must.


droppedastitch August 11 2009, 00:11:12 UTC
Little Sailormoon was sweet and personable. But Doll still came off a little staunch and stiff. Why was that? The ragdoll tried to keep it from troubling her. Too much, anyway.

"I like sweets.." She admitted, thinking the prospect over. The donuts she'd had with Rabbit the other day were delicious.. No. No, she was an adult. Or she was constructed like one, anyway. "But they probably aren't very good to have for lunch." She glanced at the purple haired woman, as if asking her opinion. She didn't seem quite the sweet-eating type, either..


deuxesmachina August 12 2009, 02:11:37 UTC
"Something sweet?" Doll repeated. She did not have anything against this. She was not exactly mother material. She wasn't going to be mean and tell Sailormoon that she should eat something more substantial.

Doll nodded with her name-twin. Okay, glad someone else said it. "But after some real lunch, we can get something sweet...there are lots of bakeries and that sort of thing around here. Does that sound good?"


pinkmoonrabbit August 12 2009, 03:19:09 UTC
"Sounds great!" If it were up to her, she could eat candy and pudding all day. She had no idea why she loved them so much but she couldn't get enough. She probably should eat something good for her first. Maybe she was still growing? Who knew.


droppedastitch August 12 2009, 16:43:22 UTC
Whew. Doll was glad for the backup. She hardly wanted to be the one to deny a sweet child candy. And sweets were perfectly good after food, of course. How reasonable!

"Lets go find a cafe, then?" It sounded like neither of them were all that interested in eating lunch. Actually, she didn't care too much herself. Many of the foods she'd encountered lacked a certain something.. She wasn't sure what. The food served in temporary housing was the most familiar to her, so far. ..Though, with the way others complained about it, was that a good thing?


deuxesmachina August 12 2009, 21:28:01 UTC
During her time in Edensphere, Doll had never actually been hungry. She had eaten a few things because they looked good, but she had never really needed food. She didn't know if everyone felt this way, or it was just her...but for some reason she was afraid to ask.

"Sure, let's go..." Doll started walking into the marketplace, eyes scanning for somewhere that was suitable for some lunch. "Any requests besides something sweet after wards?" she asked, looking back on her companions. trying her best to smile for them.


pinkmoonrabbit August 12 2009, 21:55:54 UTC
"Hmm" Sailormoon tapped her lips thoughtfully. She couldn't think of one thing she wanted. She couldn't even remember what she liked to eat, other than sweet things. This was pretty frustrating. She tapped her bare foot on the ground.

"I don't know. Anything, really. Now's the time to find out what I like and don't like ♥!" she added cheerfully. Wherever she was, it was time to start from scratch and find out what she liked. It was a new adventure!


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