Characters: Blood/Yachiru (
pinkhairedchild), Hakuteiken/Byakuya (
Date/Time: Tuesday afternoon 06/02
Location: A random guarding station
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Blood and Hakuteiken have been tasked to guard together. Hilarity ensues?
Blood was always excited when she got to go to work with someone new. Usually, it became a good opportunity for her to prove that just because she was small that didn't mean she wasn't fierce. She didn't know all that much about Hakuteiken, only that he knew Bastet, Kiba, Kazahana, and they all seemed to get along with him. She couldn't think of any reason why she wouldn't, she was nice and a hard-worker. Besides, she'd been a guard longer than him so she knew what she was doing.
Arriving at their guarding station with a bag of confetti candy and some fresh pork buns, she was a perpetual ball of cheer as she smiled up at him. He looked kind of familiar, like she knew him from somewhere. Actually, she was pretty sure she did. She'd have to ask him. "Hi there Noodle-noggin! You ready for guarding with me?"