As the sun shines through it pushes away and pushes ahead

Jun 01, 2009 13:44

Characters: Alekhine (unwinding-key), Rabbit (redhead-rabbit)& OPEN"
Date/Time: Monday June 1st 9 AM - 12 PM, 3 PM - 6PM
Location: Marketplace
Summary: Alekhine has a shop! And her first scheduled customer, in the afternoon.

It fills the warmth of blue and leaves a chill instead )

~tales of abyss: guy (tempest), ~original: diana (alekhine), d.gray-man: lavi (rabbit), ~wicked: glinda (bubbles), bleach: yoruichi (bastet)

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around 3? redhead_rabbit June 1 2009, 21:18:55 UTC
Rabbit had wandered a bit but soon found the place. He observed everything pretty quickly, noting the objects that it held, memorizing all of them as he did naturally, before he approached the cart with a broad, friendly smile. He wore a black shirt with a sharp v-neck, white pants, and black boots, with a black matching headband pulling his hair out of his face. And of course the eyepatch.

"Yo ♥," he greeted. "Ya must be Alekhine. I'm Rabbit."


Around 3 works! unwinding_key June 1 2009, 21:46:53 UTC
"Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Alekhine smiled at him from her stool behind the counter before turning to the side a bit and obtaining a small box with several pairs of black hooped earrings inside.

She needed the stool, mostly because she was rather short for a woman but also because the concept of being forced to stand all day just so that one 'looked busy' struck her as ridiculous. "You said small but I wasn't certain how small you wanted, so I made varying sizes."


Re: Around 3 works! redhead_rabbit June 1 2009, 21:57:27 UTC
Rabbit himself was quite tall, nearing 6 feet, not to mention the wiry form which made him look a bit taller. He leaned over and observed the earrings, trying to make out the fuzzy appearance they had in his dream. It was so hard to tell, very little was clear in that dream, so whatever looked best would definitely work.

"Hmm I wonder which'll look best. Whadda you think?"


unwinding_key June 1 2009, 23:41:54 UTC
She considered, looking over him and then looking back to the earrings. "Something between these two sizes, I think. It should only take a moment to adjust."

If Rabbit was watching her face and not her fingers, he'd have seen the shift in color from blue to gold as she touched the larger pair of earrings, using her fingers to shrink them down a bit to an in-between size. When she let go, the earrings were finished. "There. I think those will work."


redhead_rabbit June 1 2009, 23:51:03 UTC
As Rabbit's hypersensitivity to detail was always in overdrive, he noticed and remembered every detail, from the change in color, to the change in the size of the earrings, the movement of her fingers, even the way she sat. He didn't know how to turn it off, if he ever could in the first place.

"No way, how'djya do that?"


unwinding_key June 1 2009, 23:56:19 UTC
"It is my ability. My gift, as it were. Shaping and reshaping metal." She smiles and moves the earrings towards him.

"Most everyone here has a talent of one sort or another, I believe. What is yours?"


redhead_rabbit June 2 2009, 00:12:09 UTC
He allowed her to compare the earrings with how they looked on him, if she so desired. He was more inwardly thinking about her statement. He'd never really considered it that way. All of his medical skills just kind of came as he needed them. There was really only one thing that seemed to make him different.

"I never forget anything I see, hear, smell, taste, or touch," Rabbit replied. "I remember everything since I got here. Every detail."


sorry with the change in tenses, earlier, I'm not feeling well and lost focus for a moment unwinding_key June 2 2009, 00:34:36 UTC
Alekhine considered that. Considered the ramifications of someone who cannot forget. "You would make a good historian, I think. There is not anyone like that here...the history only goes as far as the journal a reader has, nothing past that. There is little unity, with that. It is harder to keep track of what has happened, who has died, what they have and have not remembered each time around."

She tapped against the counter. "You should write it down, perhaps. Not in the standard journals, but in another."


that's fine. i didn't even notice XD redhead_rabbit June 2 2009, 00:56:58 UTC
"A historian, huh." Maybe that was the secret the old man told Rabbit he was going to know in his dream. History.

"Recordin' history, huh. Yanno, that ain't a bad idea. Might as well put this memory'a mine t' good use, huh." There was something incredibly tantalizing about her suggestion. Recording the history of the Sphere. It almost called to him, though he didn't know why. He pondered the idea for a moment. "I think I might do that. Sounds like a lot'a fun."


yay <3 unwinding_key June 2 2009, 01:10:16 UTC
Alekhine nodded. "I would suggest speaking to Truth, or Justice, when you have a moment. Bastet, as well. They, I think, would be best suited to assisting you with that endeavor."

Yes. That, she thought, would be of some use, though something pricked at the back of her mind. "I doubt it will be a simple...or at all times safe task to embark upon."


redhead_rabbit June 2 2009, 02:46:53 UTC
"Yeah I hear that the Sphere's got a bit'a an attitute 'bout people tryin' t' learn too much 'bout it," Rabbit frowned. "Maybe recordin' events's a better choice for now."


unwinding_key June 2 2009, 02:50:56 UTC
"So I have been told, as well." Which was problematic but what was worse? Living in the dark and never trying to learn or trying and learning the limits? "Which is why I suggested those three. Either way, I am certain it will be an interesting project."

Eyecolor shifting from gold to blue to green again as she considered. "A memory of that sort is definitely something to be utilized."


redhead_rabbit June 2 2009, 03:01:48 UTC
Rabbit noted the sudden change in her eyes as he listened to her speak. Hopefully one of these three'd be able to help him out with recording the history. It called to him so strongly, he couldn't simply let it go. It wasn't like he could unhear the idea.

"Def'nitely that t' start, maybe recording people's histories too, if they're willin' t' share." Rabbit grinned. The idea was great and with his personality, he might be able to get people to talk.


unwinding_key June 2 2009, 03:14:16 UTC
"For those that have recalled parts of their history, I must admit it would likely be a sort pull, yes? There is not much I recall at the moment, but this seems to be my third time here."

She smiled at him in return. "I am glad the suggestion is of interest to you. Please let me know if there is anything else I could help you with."


redhead_rabbit June 2 2009, 03:22:42 UTC
"It's a great suggestion," Rabbit grinned. "I'll def'nitely look into it ♥." But there was one more thing. "How're the earrings comin'?"


unwinding_key June 2 2009, 03:24:07 UTC
"They are done, if you are happy with them." Once she had finished shaping them, they had been ready to go. "20 coins, I think, since they are fairly simple. Does that seem fair enough?"


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