Characters: Haine Rammsteiner/Zombie (
fewterer), Badou Nails/Eyepatch (
smokesordie) & NPC Greeter Charger
Date/Time: May 12th, afternoon
Location: The Wilderness
Rating: PG-13 for usual newborn nudity and Eyepatch's potty mouth
Summary: Eyepatch and Zombie arrive in Edensphere and someone rude and annoying is there to greet them.
Back at the temporary cocoon holding pen, the space was relatively silent, save for the sound of grunting and panting coming from the greeter on duty.
"100! YES!" Charger sat up from his last rep of crunches and stretched loudly. He had no idea just how ...strange he probably sounded in a wilderness that was made of nothing but beds. He had other things on his mind.
"Hey, hey," he leaned up against a cocoon and used one of the newborn's towels to wipe his face. "Not bad huh? I should try 200 next time." He patted the cocoon. "Gotta beat my record cause there's nothing else to do."
Then, the impossible happened. The sound of a cocoon cracking. No. Two!
Charger jumped. No way! It had been months since his last birthing! He strode over to the messy piles of newborn provisions had been dumped during the evacuation and picked out everything ...except the towels. Ya never know when a female newborn was gonna come out after all.
"I hope you're chicks this time. Twins!"
[ooc:I have to run to another work meeting but I'd figured I'd get this party started cause Kim's waited long enough lolol. Feel free to go as long as you need till I can get back to tag. PS. Charger's a dick.]