Characters: Alexi/Skwisgaar (
blondsambitions), Ghost/Jack (
redrobinhood), Kanin/Toki (
kanin_gitarist), and Smoke/Gojyo (
Date/Time: Last night/this morning
Location: Le Wilderness du Beds
Rating: PG13
Summary: This is an awkward situation consisting of beds and cuddletimes. (Warnings: epic stupidity)
After his brief journal conversation with Kanin leaving him more irritated than he had been to begin with, Alexi snapped it shut for the night and turned to the "booze bag" (Since no one would aid him in taking all his stuff downstairs, Alexi prioritized alcohol and his guitar). Many shots later, he relaxed, forgot, and drifted off. Just as planned.
And then the horror that had been haunting him night after night since that fateful evening dominated the line of sight of his mind's eye. Red hair. Shaking hips. Old school grooves. Addictions to love.
Alexi woke suddenly, though his partially inebriated mind didn't quite comprehend that he was awake nor that the previous nostalgic visions were of his subconscious mind's creation. Sitting slowly and wobbling groggily, Alexi planted his palms against the mattress, carefully slipping one foot off the bed then the next. He rocked, he swayed, arms spread in an attempt to maintain his balance, and his feet finally grounded after a couple minutes.
The red dancer, he had to get away from him.
Alexi stumbled through the rows, unsure of his destination and uncaring. So long as he escaped that guy, that's all that mattered.
The edge of another bed caught him against the shins, and Alexi flopped forward. His muscles relaxed against the plush mattress, and through the blurry haze of his squinted lids, he could no longer make out the red dancer. He had outrun him. Ha!
Alexi gently closed his eyes, content on crashing wherever he was. However, he was unaware of the body next to him. Not as planned.