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blue_shields April 16 2009, 19:45:12 UTC
Spike came around Serenity in the early afternoon after having wandered around for a long time, his eyes slightly unfocused, looking lost. Last night he thought he was feeling a lot better, but now his mood had dipped, even after his friends' and his own repeated reassurances to himself that Scales' disappearance wasn't his fault, that there was nothing he could have done. He'd then remembered the spa, figuring that relaxation couldn't hurt- this seemed more like his kind of place to go to feel better, anyway. He stepped inside the door, looking around curiously.


galacticgeisha April 19 2009, 01:15:46 UTC
Companion was still feeling somewhat lost after seeing that Scales was gone, and she hoped that on some level offering the spa's services would help ease some of the sadness and tension that was evident. Hearing the little chimes over the door go off, she made her way towards the waiting area and smiled with slightly hidden shock at the sight before her. "Spike, how are you? Welcome to Serenity." She quickly moved closer, giving him a slight hug before lightly kissing both cheeks.

"How can we help you? Would you like a massage?"


blue_shields April 19 2009, 01:25:52 UTC
Spike was- surprised, to say the least, by the cheek kisses, and felt himself going red. However, the kind gestures made him feel slightly better, and he gave her the tiniest of smiles.

"Hi, Companion. I think a massage would be great; I'm not feeling... right... about Scales. And, you know, doing Adventuring plus Guarding can tire a body out fairly quickly." I should've done something to stop it. I should've been nicer to him. I should've, should've, should've. "Are you well? I know you and he were getting to be friends, too.."


galacticgeisha April 19 2009, 04:29:25 UTC
Companion had to admit deep down that part of the reason she had kissed Spike's cheeks was because she was certain he'd blush. The other part simply wanted to.

"I know Spike, the situation with Scales has affected a lot of people. Still, we can't dwell upon that, we need to hope that he is in a better place." It was what she wanted to believe, although that didn't stop her from missing her friend. "I am...coping, really. Still, we should not speak of upsetting things. Please, follow me." Companion hoped Spike wouldn't be embarrassed if she gave him the massage.


blue_shields April 19 2009, 19:26:30 UTC
"Yeah, that's what Bridge keeps telling me," Spike agreed, nodding as he walked after her. "That we should try and think- believe that he's in a better place. Makes it slightly easier to deal with, I suppose." Yeah, keep saying that and maybe you yourself will start believing it and stop beating yourself up over it. "I'm glad you're, ah, coping, too; I know we can't stop living when someone we care about vanishes, or else nobody here would be functioning." He found himself silently agreeing that they shouldn't talk about it. Not talking about it, of course, made it easier to not think about...


galacticgeisha April 21 2009, 03:42:23 UTC
"Bridge has the right idea." Companion smiled, glancing over her shoulder at Spike. "If we continue to think that something bad happened to Scales it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we keep hope, well then maybe it will all become easier in time." Truth to be told, Companion wasn't used to missing people, instead usually being the one who was missed. "We lean on the friends we have, and we do our best to keep going." She nodded, taking out a loop of keys and unlocking a door. "There should be a towel on the table, you can either strip down and cover yourself with that, or simply remove your shirt. Whatever is more comfortable for you."


blue_shields April 21 2009, 04:22:03 UTC
Spike found his depression easing a bit more. She was right, of course- and he knew dwelling was doing him no favors, but dwell he did.

"Of course, time will definitely make it easier- I'm just impatient, I guess. Honestly, he'd be furious if he knew I was acting this way, though. He was always the type who would... well, not say 'shut up and deal', but remember the happy times instead of dwelling on them being gone. I can just picture him rolling his eyes at me." He chuckled in spite of himself, surprised at the sound, before going through the door. He hovered for a moment, unsure of what he was most comfortable with. "I think it'll just be the shirt." This time, anyway. He paused, unsure why he'd mentally added that bit, before finally stripping his shirt off, neatly folding it and setting it down before lying on his stomach on the table.


galacticgeisha April 25 2009, 01:58:44 UTC
Companion could tell that her words were having a soothing effect on him. That made her feel a little better as well.

"We're all impatient, it's human nature. He always did have the best eye roll, and it's good that you can think of how he would have reacted. I keep seeing him attempting the yoga poses I taught him and trying not to use his tail. I told him he couldn't cheat." She laughed softly, waiting for Spike to make his decision as she moved past him to light a few candles and some incense. "I hope the incense is all right, it's supposed to help sooth you. Now, close your eyes and relax, I promise you're in good hands." Taking a moment to warm up some oil, Companion let a few drops fall onto Spike's back which she began to rub with strong but sure fingers.


blue_shields April 25 2009, 02:21:34 UTC
The remark about Scales using his tail to do yoga brought an unexpected chuckle from Spike.

"That sure sounds like him," he agreed. Then, the scents of the incense began to fill his nostrils, and he found he was quite enjoying it. He did as instructed and closed his eyes, feeling his body shiver just the slightest bit at her first touch- then he could feel the tension in his body, always held at the ready for anything, begin to melt away. Soon he found himself relaxing, both physically and mentally, as he hadn't in quite a while- completely. "This feels... great," he finally spoke quietly.


galacticgeisha April 25 2009, 03:03:45 UTC
The sound of his chuckle made Companion smile, again inwardly pleased that Spike seemed to be letting down his walls.

"He would be so annoyed, saying it wasn't his fault he had better balance." she responded with a smile clear in her tone. Also feeling his shiver, Companion was able to quickly judge just how much tension Spike was holding within his shoulder and back. "I'm pleased you feel that way, I'm going to increase the pressure as I feel quite a lot of tension in your shoulders."


blue_shields April 25 2009, 23:53:54 UTC
Spike snorted with laughter again, and the smile lingered on his face as he did so.

"I'm not surprised," he said, his voice still low, quiet, contended. "I've been training with my weapons a lot lately. I feel like I was slacking off too much in the months after I got here, and as a Guard I need to be in peak physical shape. I guess it's beneficial physically AND mentally to relax once in a while, though. My friends keep telling me that, anyway. It'll please them to know that I'm listening to them for once."


galacticgeisha April 28 2009, 02:14:13 UTC
Companion could feel Spike relaxing even more, and knew that it had been a while since he had laughed.

"I found a knife," she responded, her voice thoughtful. "I should probably have someone show me some basic moves to use with it. I'm more used to a larger blade, or a bow and arrow." She moved away to get more oil, bending down to nod at him. "Your friends at right, you know."


blue_shields April 28 2009, 02:50:07 UTC
"Cara or Honor might be able to help you with that," Spike replied. "I fight with a staff myself, usually. I'm still trying to find what feels just right to me, though..." He sighed. "Yeah, I know. They think I'm too serious... and maybe I can be, but it's just who I am. I always tell them I can relax, but that doesn't have to stop me from being sensible and there to carry them home when they... oh, say... get drunk and pole dance..."


galacticgeisha April 28 2009, 03:21:50 UTC
"I'll have to ask one of them, or see if Tatsu's available." Companion murmured, her hands moving lower down Spike's back. "Tatsu had offered to help me if I was able to find a weapon, however I know he's been busy of late." Her hands paused in their assured motions as she replayed what he had said in her head. "Do I want to know who possibly got drunk and pole danced?"


blue_shields April 28 2009, 03:39:08 UTC
Spike couldn't help a contented sigh escaping his lips as she did so.

"Everyone's been busy, seems like," he noted. "Hopefully things will settle down soon." He then had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "It was Bridge. I saw the whole thing happen. He's apparently a lightweight as far as alcohol does; a few shots and he's gone. He grabbed onto the pole and shook his rear end for a while, and then he sat in my lap and told me he loved me."


galacticgeisha April 29 2009, 02:35:11 UTC
Companion was amused by the contented sigh, feeling proud he was reacting.

"It does seem that way, and I'm sure it all depends on how things settle." She laughed as she listened to him, amused by his friend's antics. "I'm sure your friends do love you, and that they're pleased you're looking out for them. It takes a lot to be the clear thinker when you could easily give in to temptation, and knowing you're less inclined to drink and act idiotic is something mature people appreciate."


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