Open! Bar Log

Apr 05, 2009 13:41

Characters:Ghost/Jack Landors (redrobinhood), Alexi/Skwisgaar (blondsambitions), OPEN
Date/Time: April 5th, usual working hours of the bar
Rating: PG-13 for inevitable Alexi
Summary: Another open bar log. Is your character feeling depressed? Lost his friends? Recently undead? Or maybe some shady deals need to happen in plain sight? Then come down to the place where nobody knows your (real) name, but they're always glad you came.


Smoke's was pretty empty today, as it had been ever since Ghost came back from being missing for a month. It might have been because it was a Sunday, but then the idea of "weekends" in a place like Edensphere had no logic to them. When the environment could change at any moment and shopkeepers could disappear in an instant, there wasn't much one could do to maintain a stable work week.

Ghost needed stability. For once he was actually craving it. With his lover and three of his closest friends missing or just...gone, there was only two things he could think of doing. Going crazy or throwing himself into something brainless. Like wiping down counters. Or polishing poles (WTF? He still had no idea how the pole had just...appeared in his absence).

So the place was pretty spotless for once, with shining tables and a slightly overstocked bar. People could choose to engage the distanced young man in the back or they could just be served by the helpful if not slightly bored bartender in the front.

~metalocalypse: skwisgaar (alexi), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), power rangers: sky (spike), ~animorphs: tobias (nothlit), ~ace attorney: phoenix (truth), ~original: klavier (legion), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), ~ff8: selphie (lucy)

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