Endings and Beginnings

Mar 28, 2009 00:03

Characters: Tatsu yoraetatsu, Bridge handy_psychic, Renae artistic_spaz, Mirage plottingthis
Date/Time: March 28th
Location: The Fourth Floor/The City Without Shape
Rating: PG (possibly PG-13 depending on how you interpret a line or two.)
Summary: The elevator dumps the group out, and they see one of Tatsu's memories. Or do they?

The white-haired man dressed in purple and red gazed out over the fields and farmlands, towards the entrance to the village. A gentle breeze stirred the plants and ruffled hair. The smell of animals and earth lingered in the air. A man in simple clothing was speaking to a soldier. There were a number of other soldiers with him, dressed in full armor and face masks.

"He... he be this way, sirrah." The man's voice trembled a bit, as he started leading the troops over to the houses.

The white-haired man looked slightly troubled. "T'would appear I must needs fight mine way out... nay... mayhap I can still escape unnoticed by yon soldiers..."

He raced back the way he came, stopping at a small cottage, and sliding the door open. He walked inside, paused, and looked around. The expression on his face was thoughtful. "What is this?" He asked himself quietly. "What matters is this village to me? Why dost I hesitate? My path be clear - defeat yon troops and make mine way to Chedo... and yet..."

Outside, the soldier who had talked to the villager before was speaking to him again. "So this is where you've been hiding him, eh?" The villager's eyes widened.

"H-hiding!? We didn' know 'e was wanted!" He paused, and then continued. "I... I told all th' folks in the village t' get anything tha' could be used as a weapon... we'll 'elp you capture 'im, all right? Heh heh..."

A woman walked up towards the house. The man looked surprised. "Mami?!" She pushed by the man and the troops without saying anything, a long wooden plank in her hands. She opened the door and gasped for breath.

The white-haired man turned to look at her, and then turned away again and chuckled. "Thou wouldst do such a thing? Thou wouldst protect me - hinder their attempts to encage me? Thou art taking a great risk. What whilst thy fellows think of thee?" He turned to look at her again, and was surprised to find her closing the door and barring it with the plank.

She looked at the white-haired man, concern on her face. "I knew... I knew as soon as I saw ye that there was sumthin' different about ye." The troops outside started banging on the door, but she continued. "An' I thought, maybe if'n ye hid out here, with me... ye might be able t'live a normal life... with me... I know it's silly - it canno' be... but I wished so hard it would! Forgive me... I ne'er shoulda make ye stay here...!"

She turned and held the door closed, while her fellow villager shouted from outside. There was a name he called, but all the group could hear was static. "What ye be doin'!? Open the door!!" She bit her lip and spoke to the white-haired man.

"The oven wall be broken... ye can crawl through it t'get outside... hurry! When ye get outside, go t' th' shrine in th' woods. Be careful they don' see ye. There be a road behind th' shrine ye can use!" The troops pushed again, trying to break down the door. "Go... go, while ye still can!"

The white-haired man walked over to the oven, and turned, looking back at the woman as if he wanted to say something. Another soldier crashed against the door, and he turned again, squeezing his body through the crack in the wall to the outside. He dashed away from the house as fast as he could.

The soldiers finally broke down the door, and one of them headed inside. He dragged the woman out and tossed her on the ground. "There was only this woman inside!" A small man looked at her with disgust written all over his face.

"You were hiding" - static, why was there static?! - "weren't you? Did you... live with him?" He shook his head and looked back at the the troop's captain. "Take her back to Astana. We may be able to use her in the Carronade."

[[ooc; If you want to see this scene, it's from 3:30 - 6:09 in this video.]]

*trip to the 4th floor, ~ff6: relm (renae), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), !complete, ~breath of fire 4: ryu (tatsu), ~gundam 00: regene (mirage)

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