i love you love you love you love you love sunshine ~~

Jan 03, 2009 21:44

Characters: Selphie/Lucy and Fullmetal/Al
Date/Time: BACKDATED to January 1st!
Location: The Park :D
Rating: G. Warnings include cavity inducing cuteness, tons of stammering and general awwwwwwwwwwwwww. 8D
Summary: The First Date. Do I need to say anything more?

Good point! The houses were back to normal! Greater point! A first date with Fullmetal. Greatest point! Snowmen building. Lucy had made some hot chocolate somehow on her own and without burning down the house so that was a rather large accomplishment. She just hoped that it didn't taste horrible as she hugged her yellow bag with a small thermos and two plastics mugs inside.

Dressed in a warm winter coat and boots with matching pink and yellow striped accessories, Lucy sat on a swing waiting for Fullmetal. To say that the perky brunette was excited was a mild understatement as she started swinging back-and-forth while laughing gleefully. She had to do something to stay warm after all and why not have some fun in the process?

Things were -- more or less -- back to normal!

~fma: al (fullmetal), !complete, ~ff8: selphie (lucy)

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