Characters: Fugue (
fugue_angel) and OPEN TO EVERYONE!
Date/Time: Sometime on May 28
Location: The Wilderness
Rating: PG, just in case?
Summary: Everyone who's kept their eyes peeled since
Gungnir's call to arms can now totally gang up on Fugue.
The man in grey armor watched the walls shift and transform. No. He scowled as the labyrinth shifted into something more... planar. Flat. Once shrouded in darkness, the curtains of shadow fell away, casting a strange light over the young man.
Not that everyone knew his young form. More often than not, he wore a disguise and pretended to be an elder. One with a mustache and beard that Venus knew were fake.
But now the walls of The Wilderness had slanted downward toward something like a pit where Fugue was more or less trapped in. That--THAT IDIOT!!! He furiously attempted to scale the walls, but for once he couldn't seem to get that grasp, couldn't run or walk up so easily and effortlessly against them. Why?
With that, he remained guarded, keeping his gun prepared to shoot anyone who dared try to get him. At least he wasn't going down without a fight.