Characters: Selphie/Lucy and Zikhadhara/Twenty
Date/Time: November 15 nighttime
Location: The warehouse with the cocoons in the Wilderness
Rating: PG
Summary: Lucy got a ping in the Wilderness recently. Tonight, she'll dream about it and the ping will be somewhat enhanced by Twenty.
ping from a couple days ago had lingered as Lucy closed her eyes to sleep. It wasn't wise of the girl to stay awake for that long given recent circumstances in regards to her health but she'd done it anyway. She was in a corner of the warehouse with the cocoons, her head leaned against the one wall. The cool sensation of the wood against her temple helped ease the headache she'd been doing her best to ignore.
Then she dreamed. At first, it was dark, peaceful, with no dreams of blood and the tree attacking people coming into play that evening.
A respite? Perhaps.
The dilapidated building she had been standing in front of before engaging in a coversation with Fullmetal, flickered into view but something was different. It was distorted, wavering in and out of focus.
It didn't make any sense to Lucy.